Chapter Twenty-two

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"Are you all right?"

I let out a shaky breath and was surprised when there was a scratchy sound at the end.

Will let out a soft chuckle. Then his breathing started to speed up a little. "What were you doing in an alley, lo-" He cut himself off before he finished that one word, leaving me wondering what it was. "It's dark. And you're pretty beat up."

I wanted to tell him. I wanted to vent to him about Connor and let him embrace me in his arms. I wanted him to tell me a lie, that everything was fine. That I was just dreaming.

When I tried to roll over to grab a notepad, pain shot through me. Will gave me an apologetic smile. "I'll get you paper, there isn't any on my nightstand."

Will walked out of the room. And once I didn't have him to marvel at, I took in my surroundings. I was laying in a bed, which was now significantly colder since Will wasn't there with me. The walls were a nice tan color. The room was about the size of mine at home, probably because the houses were very similar in my neighborhood.

The door opened as Will walked back in with a pen and notepad. I started writing a novel of the pain it caused me, why I was outside in the first place.

It didn't take Will long to read over it, but once he did his arms sprang around me like they were made to encase me. Once we were settled again, my back was pressed against Will's stomach. Both of our legs were bent, his arms were tight around me, and his head was on my shoulder.

"Your breathing wasn't very normal," Will said. "I decided to wait about fifteen minutes before taking you to a hospital." He was worried. He was worried about me.

I quickly grabbed the notepad and wrote.

You have NO idea how many words I want to tell you. I ripped off that part and handed it to Will, then wrote more.

Will looked at me with a strange expression. "You can't talk?" I shook my head No and continued to write.

I don't want you to worry. I'm fine. All I need is you. I cringed at that last cheesy line and handed it to Will. As soon as he read it, his arms tightened around me.

It felt weird, having affection shown to you by other than your family. By someone you loved in a different way than family.

Wil snuggled his cheek into my collarbone. Being too lazy to get the notepad, I went to my second option. Moving my hands in strange positions, I signed What is this?

To my surprise, he replied with one sign. And one of my favorite signs: Care.

I smiled before staring into his eyes. Mr. Brunner hadn't taught me much, but I was thankful for the lesson he had given me. You know sign? It was more like YOU. SIGN? Will shook his head. "I only know very little."

I sighed, then did my best to sit up in bed without causing myself too much pain. Will noticed my pained expression and helped me, then sat in front of me. I started to hand Will multiple notes, then do the signs, determined to teach him sign language.

That went on for a while. It ended with me writing a note. Meet me after school. You pick the place.

Then I passed out in his bed.

(A/N) So... thanks for 3k reads! And 235 votes! Ah, I love you guys so much!!!! I'll try and update more. No promises, though!

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