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Loki had just dispatched of the third hell hound when the other Avengers finally were able to make it through the fallen passageway. Loki had suffered scratches and bites from the hounds but his wounds were already healing over.

"Brother! What happened?" Thor's voice was a mix of worry and anger as they approached the armor-clad prince who just shrugged. "I don't know, Thor. She was acting rather odd when I came to visit her and then somehow her powers broke my spell. She said something about how the prophecy was calling to her." Loki explained calmly.

The Avengers had dispersed throughout the room to investigate but there wasn't much to look at. All that remained was rubble and broken weaponry that was strewn about. Dust floated down slowly and glittered in the light every now and then.

"Have we received correspondence from her home planet's council?" Loki asked no one in particular.

"We haven't received anything yet. They could just very well be ignoring it, refusing to help us." Natasha said and folded her arms. Loki's fists pumped as anger coursed through him. His eyes scanned the rubble as if searching for an answer that wasn't there. He couldn't lose you, not after all the time you've spent together getting to know one another.

Memories of holding you, kissing, cuddling, watching Midgardian movies, showing you new foods or places... All of it was special to Loki. And you. He knew you couldn't just throw all that away after you've made so much progress.

"That prophecy..." Loki muttered as the wheels in his brain began to turn.

"What about it?" Stark asked as he sidled up alongside him.

Loki held up a hand to silence him as he finished his thought. "What if the prophecy can be changed?" Loki suggested.

"Brother, you know that no amount of magic can change fate." Thor said almost apologetically.

"Yes, but what of that story about true love's kiss that awoke that woman from her slumber?" Loki brought up. "If true love can awaken a person damned to eternal sleep, then surely true love can destroy a prophecy."

"Wait a minute. Are you saying you have true love for (Y/N)?" Stark settled a hand on Loki's shoulder while looking him in the eye. Loki's brows slanted. "Why wouldn't I have true love for her? I loved her from the beginning of this whole ordeal." Stark's eyes widened and his eyebrows shot up. He let out a slow breath. "Well, okaaay then..."

"How do we even go about this?" Banner chimed in. "I mean, this whole thing is just...we're basing this off of a fairy tale backed up by no scientific evidence."

"Banner is right. We can't just start taking stabs in the dark. We should wait until we receive word from this council." Steve said.

"How are we going to receive this 'letter'? How did we even get a letter to them in the first place?" Clint asked while turning to Loki.

Loki smirked devilishly. "I have my ways."

Evil Reader x LokiWhere stories live. Discover now