Fire vs. Ice

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I flew over this large, vast city and determined it was a great place to start my conquest. I flew over a beautiful park full of people and small creatures. "Let's!" I chuckled as I conjured a massive fireball above my head. I launched it right in the center of the park and people began pointing and screaming. They looked like ants as they ran about, trying to get away.

The entire place went up in flames. Fire licked at the trees and small shrubs while it ate away at the manicured grass. I swayed a bit in the wind as I observed my handiwork. A small child was separated from his father and was crying loudly. "DADDYYY~~" He was scared as the flames grew closer to him.

"I gotcha!" There was a blue blur that scooped the child up and away to safety. Captain America. "That means the others aren't close behind." I spoke to myself.

"Yeah, really close!" I spun around and took a swipe at Iron Man who literally was standing behind me. My swing missed and he raised a hand which began to glow white. "Don't make me do this, (Y/N)." His voice was almost pleading but I knew he would do anything to stop me.

I took the end of my chains and flung them out but Iron Man maneuvered around and blasted me. I lost altitude and found myself smashed into the pavement. There I was met by the rest of the Avengers. "You want to play, too? I've got something with your names written all over it!" I raised my arms, scythe in one hand, as I levitated off the ground, which began to shake. Moments later, cracks formed in the asphalt and an army of skeletons, much bigger than last time, flooded the streets.

By this time there were no pedestrians to be seen as they had all sought out shelter away from the battle. "This is my planet now, heroes. Not even you can stop me." I pointed a bony finger at Loki. He was in his full Asgardian armor complete with a horned helmet. And he looked pissed. But I didn't allow for any further exchange with him. I waved a hand forward and the army of skeletons began their war.

I observed the Avengers for some time while I stood on the roof of a tall building. They put up a good fight but I could tell they were growing tired. I glanced up at the sky and a memory floated to the surface of my brain.

"It's beautiful!" I said as I took in the sunset. "Just like you." Loki gazed at me, a smile causing crinkles on his face and around his eyes. The sky was aglow with hues of orange and pink that reflected off the clouds. We were bathed in the golden light of the setting sun as we stood on the roof of Stark Tower...

"No..." I whispered and touched my lips where Loki had kissed me. But my moment of weakness was fleeting as I angrily blasted fire at a neighboring building. "NO! If he will not rule beside me then he must burn!" I shouted.

"Are you talking about me?" A smooth voice carried itself over to me on the breeze. Growling, I turned and locked my hollow eyes on Loki's green ones. "That is of no concern to you, peasant." I glowered. "But yes. If you do not wish to rule by my side, then you are nothing but a distraction and are not worth my time." I hissed.

Smirking, Loki twirled two ice blades in his hands. His skin began to turn blue and his eyes shifted to a dark red color. The markings of a Jotun covered his blue skin and it felt as though the air around us grew cooler. "I beg to differ." He stated before launching himself at me.

"How ironic. Fire versus ice. Shall we see who will prevail?" I returned his smirk as we locked in battle. I swung my scythe but he expertly evaded it as he slashed at me with his blades. I sent fireballs at him and made my entire body engulfed in flames. He jumped back before sending a blast of magic my way. While I was distracted with that, he had snuck around me and tried to attack me. I whipped around and grabbed his arm, causing him to hiss in pain as my flames burned his icy skin.

"FOOL! You cannot harm a skeleton with mere blades." I pointed out as I wrapped my spiked chains around his arm. I flung him around before releasing him, causing him to crash into the small wall encasing the stair case.

"My blades may not harm you but I know what can."

Quizzically, I turned my head to the side and observed him. In a flash, he was gone and it was then I felt a burning on my arms and body. I turned and saw Loki standing behind me, shirtless, as his chest was flush against my back and his hands encircled my arms. I let out a banshee like scream as I burned from his touch. Ice crystals began to radiate out from where he touched me.

"Not so pleasant like this, is it?" He questioned. I summoned fire in each hand but it was easily put out by a winter-like wind. I yanked on my arms trying to get them away but it didn't work. I stomped on his foot, wiggled my body, but everything was all for naught. I was losing not only my strength but feeling throughout my entire body. My eyelids grew heavy as I shivered against the cold. I had long since dropped my scythe and chains which had loudly clanked against the roof.

My energy was waning and I felt myself change back into my human form, making Loki's touch even more unbearable. I felt myself slump against him which caused more of my body to come into contact with his. Ice now covered the majority of my hands and had begun to work its way towards my chest while ice began to wrap around my torso.

"I gave you fair warning beforehand but you failed to heed it. Instead, this is the path you chose." Even Loki's breath against my ear was cold and I inhaled sharply as ice crawled up my neck. "This isn't going to kill you but it will hurt, agonizingly so."

I half-smirked. "You're holding back. You are weak. You for me...and that will be your downfall." I gasped. Once, twice.

"Maybe so, but that doesn't change how I feel about you." He whispered. I inhaled once more before my whole face was encased in ice.

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