The Great Quest of Marco Polo

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We were doing this persuasive essay in history on did Marco Polo go to China or not, and I asked my history teacher if I could write Marco was a demigod because I had evidence, and he said yes! He won't even take any points off. I decided I would put it here because why not
Tell me if there's any mistakes or typos!

The Great Quest of Marco Polo

    Marco Polo a famous person in the history of the world. Now, you might be thinking about the game Marco Polo, but Marco Polo was a real person. He was a merchant in Venice, Italy who lived from about 1250 to 1320. Marco was famous for his journey to China, which he told Rusticello about. Rusticello was a writer and made Marco's journey into a book called "The Travels of Marco Polo". But whether this journey actually happened is an unsolved question among historians. Some say that he did not go to China but heard things from other travelers, while others think he had been to China. I believe that, based on my extensive research and all the evidence I had gathered, that Marco Polo had indeed traveled to China, that he was a demigod and his journey to China was a quest directed by the gods.

    In Marco's last will and testament, he claimed to have received a golden tablet from Kahn and that he had a Chinese servant called Peter the Tartar. The golden tablet he described matched other tablets found in China, which he could not have known about had he not been there. My theory is that whatever Marco's quest was, he somehow helped Kahn and had gave Marco the tablet in gratitude. Also, the servant called Peter the Tartar that Marco released was a real person. I believe that no one would lie in their last will for good reasons. If the lie was discovered, the person will be known as a liar forever and everything they said will be questioned.

    "The Travels of Marco Polo" includes a description of the Beijing Bridge in China. The Beijing Bridge is a stone bridge with arches supporting it and stone lions as decoration on it. Although Marco's description was not entirely accurate, I would argue that he had no written record, only his memory. He's description was mostly accurate and he would only have known about this bridges if he went to China and seen it himself. Some people might say that he did not mention the Great Wall in his story at all, and he surely would have if had been to China and seen it. But at the time Marco traveled to China, the Great Wall was just at the start of its construction so it cannot be considered "great" and worthy of mention.

    Marco Polo mentioned he saw dog headed people on his quest. My research shows that these are a mythical creature called the Cynocephali. A Greek physician and historian called Ctesias, another demigod, wrote about the Cynocephali long before Marco was born. The famous explorer Christopher Columbus also reported seeing the Cynocephali on his journey to America. I have reasons to believe Christopher Columbus was also a demigod and his quest was to spread civilization to America, but I shall not go into detail about that. Since mythical creatures can only be seen by demigods, Marco was one, although who his godly parent is and what was his quest was still a mystery. I suspect that he was a son of the wisdom goddess Athena. Marco might have also seen other mythical creatures like Blemmyae, Scoipod, or Wildman that were mentioned by other European travelers on his quest, but he never told Rusticello.

The fact that Rusticello was a fiction writer actually supports Marco's identity as a demigod. Marco knew that Rusticello would not question the stranger things Marco told him and still write it down. Usually when on quests demigods avoided mortals, which explains why Marco did not know Chinese, did not use chopsticks or had tea, and did not know about footbinding. In his interrogation, he dodged the questions to conceal the true reason that he traveled to China, and so no one could know where he went in China by asking about his Mongol name.

Overall, there are many pieces of evidence and solid arguments as I said that points to the fact that Marco Polo did go to China on a quest, and he was a demigod. He confirmed he went to China in his last will and testament. Also he described the Beijing Bridge in China mostly accurately. Marco saw mythical creatures only demigods could have seen and he's actions suggest he was a demigod on a quest. In conclusion, the mystery of Marco Polo is solved.

He's a demigod!! 😂 XDDD Do I sound convincing??

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