Our Happily Ever After

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So I wrote a short story thing for ELA and decided to put it here. It's kinda sad...

She ran after him. Rachel's little grand son laughed as she chased him across the sunny meadow at the edge of the woods. They had come here many times before to enjoy the quiet.
"Come on, Grandmama! You can't catch me!" Noah shouted.
"Spare my old creaking bones, young'un." Rachel huffed and puffed.
Noah let out a shriek of delight and sprinted away, straight into the woods, his small legs a blur of motion.
A sudden wind picked up. Storm clouds rolling in the sky covered the sun, casting shadows across the entire landscape and darkening it.
When Rachel reached the edge of the woods, Noah was nowhere to be seen. Wind rustled the trees.
"Noah?" Rachel cupped her hands around her mouth. "Where are you? We have to go home now, it's about to rain."
The only answer was the howl of the wind. Rachel panicked. The rain came pouring down.
Rachel woke with a start and sat up in her bed, drenched in cold sweat. She heard the sound of rain and the boom of thunder outside. The she remembered. Noah had been killed by cancer a month ago.
With tears streaming down her cheeks, Rachel rose and changed out of her nightgown. She ate a simple breakfast of avocado sandwiches and prepare for the weekly morning trip to the cemetery where Noah was buried. Rachel backed her car out of the driveway and started down the route she knew so well.
All the cars on the road had their windshield wipers on, the driver squinting to see though the pounding rain. Pedestrians walked hunched over on the sidewalks, their umbrellas raised and their heads down. Overall, it was a wet an miserable day. But nothing was going to stop Rachel from visiting Noah.
Unexpectedly, she felt a stabbing pain in her chest. She heard the screech of tires before she blacked out.
Rachel was back in the meadow again. The rain has stopped and the sun was out again warming her with its light  Noah was next to her, holding her hand. Noah was dead, so that means she is...
"Grandmama!" Noah grinned and jumped up and down excitedly. "You're here! You're here!"
"Yes, Yes. Now stop that least you break my arm. Where is 'here' exactly?" Rachel asked. Strangely, she felt young again with no aching shoulders. In the back of her mind, she heard the wail of sirens.
"Come! Come!" Noah tugged her arm and pulled her into the woods. They reached a glowing white rectangle of light like a door.
"Come with me, Grandmama. Everyone is waiting for you." Noah said. "This is our happily ever after."
Rachel walked into the light after Noah. A warm feeling washed over her and she saw the welcoming faces of her parents, their parents, and many more.

Can you think of a better title? I think this one is kind weird.

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