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Silence is deadly.
    The last shuddering breath of the dying. The last beep of a heart rate monitor before it flatlines. The silent emptiness of a graveyard. The feeling that everything just stops after the explosion of a bomb.
    There are many mysteries in this universe, but has anyone ever considered, perhaps, silence? Although maybe few ever think about it, to humans, there can never be real silence. We may say that it is silent, but to living creatures, there is always a sound. The whisper of footsteps, the soft whistling of wind, the ticking of a clock, the rustle of leaves. And if nothing else, there is always the beating of your own heart as it works day and night to keep you alive and the sound of your breaths.
Even a completely deaf person can still feel the vibrations of their own heartbeats. Even if, fine, you count completely deaf people as being able to experience silence, they are only a tiny percent of Earth's vast population. Also, they cannot really describe silence, can they? Sure, it's the lack of sound, but someone that has never experienced true silence, which is most people, can never truly understand it. Just like how you cannot describe sound to people who has been deaf their entire lives, or color to someone that's blind.
Unless, that is, you travel to space. You take off your helmet, the only thing keeping you breathing, to experience that one moment of absolute silence before the lack of oxygen stops your heart. And as to where you go after that, who knows? You can never come back and tell others about that feeling, silence.
    Silence is deadly.

Something I got inspired to write. I was going to write it anyways but we have this free write thing for ELA so I'm using it for that. What do you think? Is it dramatic? Thought-provoking? Creepy? Not really sure what I was was going for with this.

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