Horror Story

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I have a feeling no one's going to read this \o-o/
I wrote a horror story for a Language Arts prompt. (Actually I before this we had to write about a babysitter and I made that into a horror story too but it's handwritten and not on my iPad so I can't put it here.)
I feel like posting it cause I haven't posted anything on Wattpad in a long while
Don't mind some odd parts. We had to use certain words, plus I'm just weird.
Here ya go if you feel like reading it

Caution thing: This is somewhat bloody if you're grossed out by that kind of stuff. Nothing super graphic. Dead people and such. Dripping blood. Death in general. It is a horror story soo.

"Come on, Becky!" Alex turned to their friend who was hesitating on the sidewalk and waved their tennis racquet in the air. "It's just a haunted house. See, I'm not scared."

    Becky glanced around them. This was Becky's first haunted house, while Alex had been to several. The place seemed oddly empty and lifeless for the first choice that popped up for the search "haunted house" on Elgoog Maps. It was Halloween night. As far as Becky can see, the street was deserted. A closed mini mart with a flickering sign stood across the street on the right. Suddenly, she wished she had asked her distant relative that lived nearby, Rebecca, to come too. Think of which, she hasn't seen Rebecca for a while now.

    Looking back at Alex, Becky joked, trying to crack the silence of the night, "Yeah, but the only things you're scared of are politicians."

    "You're not afraid of politics, so you shouldn't be scared of this." Alex countered.

    Warily, Becky walked up to the front of the haunted house. Above the door, "Copper Beech Haunted House" was painted in silver paint splattered with red. A too realistic looking human head with hair like dried grass and glassy eyes was staked to the door. It was dripping something thick and red that looked nearly black in the wavering light of the street lamps. The rest of the house was plain and nondescript with grey walls that faded into the darkness.

    Becky shuddered. Something wasn't right about this place. Alex, though, doesn't seem to be affected by the creepiness at all.

    Bracing herself, she said to Alex, "Fine. It's for Halloween. Just so you know, I have a limited amount of courage, so don't expect me act brave."

    They grinned. "It'll be fine. I'll defend us with my tennis racquet! Here's some broccoli to throw at monsters." Alex handed Becky the broccoli. Becky put the broccoli in her pocket while shaking her head at Alex. Together, they entered the house.

    On the right inside the door, a lamp with a lit candle inside sat on a table. A note besides said simply, "You'll need it". Becky took the lamp. The pair of friends headed deeper in side by side, with only the lamp to see by as the door shut behind them with a screech. The corridor turned to the right in from of them. At the turn, there was a watercolor painting pinned to the wall. It showed a kindergartner covered in blood holding a knife, standing over a man with a mop lying on the ground.

    "I LOVE this atmosphere they created." Alex whispered. They kept walking. The corridor turned to the left.

    After about ten minutes of walking straight ahead with nothing but white walls, Alex said, "Nothing's even happened yet. What kind of haunted house is this?"

    "Well, I'm not complaining." Becky replied. Her arm was getting tired from holding the heavy lamp.

    Out of nowhere, a door appeared on their left. The corridor continued on.

    "Should we try the door or keep going?" Alex asked.

    "Doesn't matter."

    Alex twisted the handle of the door. It was unlocked. They opened it and both of them stepped inside.

    They both jumped as the door slammed shut behind them.

    Without the white corridor walls to reflect light, the darkness was heavy and clinging, stretching to fill the space. You can barely see one meter in any direction, even with the lamp.

    Becky and Alex walked forward. Becky waved the lamp around. It seem to be a large room, as they could see no walls except for the wall behind them.

    What appeared to be a giant sized wooden pole came out of the darkness. Something dripped down from the unseen top of the pole. Becky raised the lamp to illuminate the top.

    All the blood drained from Becky's face.

    The pole has been revealed as a giant axe. At the top of the wood part was a spike, going right through the chest of what looked to be a haunted house visitor. A small girl dress as a fairy. The liquid dripping down the pole was blood red.

    Becky turned to Alex. "Uhhh... doesn't that look a bit TOO realistic for you?"

    Alex was nowhere to be seen.

    "Alex?" Becky started to panic. "Alex? Where are you? ALEX!"

    A sudden flash of blinding white light filled the space. As Becky's eyes adjusted and the light faded to dim yellow, the true horror of the cavernous space was revealed.

    The room was gigantic. A full arsenal of huge weapons fit for a giant lined the pitch black walls, all drenched with blood and with various grotesquely ruined humans and body parts stuck to them. In the middle of the room on a chair sat a giant overweight man wearing a orange dress shirt and boxers, holding a book. At his enormous feet was Alex.

    "ALEX!" Becky screamed, rushing to her friend.

    "Take that, ya beast!" Alex yelled, smacking the giant's fingers with their tennis racquet. The giant man kept trying to grab them. After the third smack, the racquet broke.

     "Dang it!" They threw the broken pieces to the side.

    Becky reached their side. "What's happening!?"

    "I dunno!" Alex shouted over the squeaking of the giant's chair. "Trying to stay alive here! Look out!"

    Alex pushed Becky out of the way as a hand swooped down, surprisingly fast for its size. The giant had taken off a cufflink from his dress shirt and was trying to spear one of them with a sharp part. Unfortunately, Alex wasn't able to avoid the hand. Becky watched their shocked face as the cufflink pierced through their chest.

     The giant put the cufflink back on with Alex in tow. "Pretty," He rumbled. Alex's lifeless eyes stared down at Becky and blood soaked through their shirt.

    With tears streaming down her face, Becky screamed some words at the giant that would've gotten her in severe trouble at school, but was extremely justified for this moment.

    The giant didn't seem to notice. He opened his book. "Oh. I need a book mark." He said.

    Becky tried to run, but he was too fast. He grabbed Becky from the floor. She could feel her ribs and lungs being crushed in the process. As the giant stuffed her in between the pages, the last words she saw were...

    Language Arts.

    The End(Maybe)


If you read all the way here, congrats! Here's a cookie 🍪
Also, not sure if anyone noticed, but I said I was going to publish a collaboration story but never did. We sat on it, ran out of ideas, and it kind of died. Oh well.

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