across the universe [ marvel ]

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title: across the universe availability: openoc name: josephine ackermannfaceclaim: winona ryder universe: marvel cinematic universe love interest: tony stark or stephen strangesetting: pre, during or after civil war / doctor strange and maybe inf...

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title: across the universe
availability: open
oc name: josephine ackermann
faceclaim: winona ryder
universe: marvel cinematic universe
love interest: tony stark or stephen strange
setting: pre, during or after civil war / doctor strange
and maybe infinity war ( ?? )

❝ should i be worried that i might
be working with a bunch of lunatics?

a stubborn, but somewhat lively, woman finds out and is dragged into the truth of her co-worker, stephen strange, and his double-sided life.


literally someone write this!! i've had this idea for a while and i just didn't have the time, sadly.
but, joe is this very sarcastic, loyal, kind-hearted woman who is extremely passionate at her job. which is being a nurse. she also a really good friend of stephen strange and has a brilliant mind!

if you make stephen the love interest, i would suggest having her "accidentally" follow him to the sanctum. she got curious, and she wanted answers. then she eventually confronts him about it, making him tell her he's a sorcerer, blah blah.

if you make tony the love interest, i would start the story in infinity war. have stephen call her up, since he thinks she's got brains. she comes, and tony is kinda like 🤔 this about her. but, eventually realizes she's a smart cookie.


do not, and i mean, do not, make them fall in love at first sight of each other. don't make them confess their undying love for each other five chapters in. it wouldn't be as interesting, in my opinion.

have joe and stephen be buddies for a little while, then progress into a blossoming love.

or have joe and tony not like each other all that much at first, then be buddies and make the relationship grow gradually.

also, it would be cool if you gave jo sarcastic one-liners. just a suggestion.

that's pretty much it!
I hope this will interest
someone hnnggg

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