The Kicker

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Emily Watson. We talked about her moving and her situation, but not her mental state of mind. Back home in Ohio Emily was even depressed, though she hid it from her friends and family very well, it was her parents that noticed it most. From her lack of interaction with friends after school, attitude problems, and spending large amounts of her free time in her room. Her parents were concerned for their daughter for she was declining in her health, losing weight and unhealthy amounts of human interaction. Her parents were so concerned they even got her a dog to help, though it improved her state of mind, her parents were still concerned. They finally had enough and decided to take her to a therapist. It helped, along with the drugs... Emily hated those damn pills, it made her feel... numb. She didn't like her parents to always be concerned for her so she just started to try and improve her mental state just for them. But then that's when her father decided to throw in a kicker. Moving.

Now her Senior year in high school, and her father still working to solve the still ever growing wolf population. Emily's state of mind has improved, but she still can get into a "funk" as her parents will call it. Her school life, on the other hand, is nothing extraordinary, a small school where everyone knows everyone, and teachers drink beer with your parents. Emily doesn't have that 4.0 GPA everyone has, she mores more a B and maybe some A's kinda student. But she doesn't complain.    


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