The Scuffed Boots

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The morning sun. Nonexistent when I wake up in the morning. The only thing that tells me that its morning is a phone alarm. Today though, I didn't even have to turn it on, I was up all night and didn't sleep. I'm a senior this year, but this school comes with a catch. A neighboring town about 20 minutes or so had to shut done due to budget cuts. Those budget cuts were because they couldn't keep affording what we call the "Howlers". They're a select group of hunters appointed by the government that is legally allowed to hunt wolves at any time of day. The school there, much like mine is right on the border of Yellowstone. They're still having troubles with the wolf population.

The Howlers are in high demand at every high school here around the border, but there is only a limited number of them. So the schools decided to team up and save money by closing the school and merging with us. I was nervous about the fact that their school has a greater student count than us. It'll be like I'm a new student again but in my own school...

As I head out the door to school you could hear a gunshot... most likely a Howler. Sometimes after their kills, they will hang the body up on the main street where farmers and normal townspeople will celebrate over the death of a wolf, but somehow one wolf can change how safe we are here.

Entering school I decided to just head to my class not even getting breakfast or going to my locker. My first class was Plant science, I was supposed to have this class with my friend Margret. Last year when we were picking classes we tried our best to pick classes that we wanted to both be in without interfering with our college major decisions. I was thinking about a Vet or conservationist, I guess I get that from my dad. Margret was into the plant science and animal health like me.

I was the first to get there so I picked a table that was kind of in the middle of the classroom, I didn't like being in front or all the way in the back with the "I don't care" people. I sat down and placed my book bag on the ground beside me and pulled out a book that I've been reading during the summer break on the spot next to me for Margret. I then pulled out my school schedule and was looking over my classes until Margret arrived. About five seconds after that she comes rushing in with a big smile on her face while hugging her books to her chest and a slight bluish tint to her cheeks.

"what has you all giddy this morning Mags?" I laugh a little bit

"Oh, Emily! You wouldn't believe me even if I told you! A cute guy smiled at me!"

"Well, I need more details! Was he from the other school? Is he one of those popular guys? Details mags! I need details!"

"Yeah he was new, I'm not for sure of what group he falls in but he looks nice."

I chuckled at that "I guess we'll have to look for him at lunch huh?"

"Yes for sure! Say have you seen Riley yet?"

Riley is part of our small little friend group, surprisingly though. Riley is part of the popular crowd I guess you can say. Margret and Riley grew up together and have been like sisters.

"No, not this morning, I skipped breakfast this morning"

"Emily you shouldn't skip breakfast, your breath will smell like dog ass before lunch!"


"Sorry, but hey, I did bring your favorite mints, I figured you would skip today."

Soon the noises in the hallways seemed to get louder as time grew closer to the first bell. Some familiar faces started to walk in along with a few others that I haven't met yet. Then the teacher walks in and sets his things on the desk and gets ready for class. Soon after that the tardy bell rings and one last student runs and hurries to find the last available seat. The school is at full capacity due to adding another school. The teacher stands up and then introduces himself.

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