Chapter 3

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"Sit down and don't move," I spoke, irritated at having to have stopped my work to attend to this idiot. I took to examine his bloodied and bruised face. His eyes which were coated with a thick layer of lashes were an unusual green, brighter than most, almost like spring leaves. His full and dark brows, where a cut lay, furrowed as I gently turned his head to further assess the damage, which then brought me to his lips, the perfect shade of pink, I thought to myself as a cut on the corner oozed with blood. 

He was attractive, very attractive, but a fool. If he would've been caught brawling and fighting he would have most likely been suspended from the military without pay. I watched as he smoothed back his short dark curls, wincing in pain. 

I couldn't help but suddenly feel nervous at this somewhat uncomfortable encounter with such an attractive person.

"Well, is anything broken?" I asked, taking his hands into mine, examining his fingers and bloodied knuckles. His hands were large and calloused, and his fingers long and bony. Surprisingly, his touch was warm and gentle.

"You tell me, you're the nurse." He spoke with arrogance and I rolled my eyes in frustration.

"I mean does anything hurt besides the obvious." I motioned towards his face, but he shook his head.

"Can I go?" He began to stand up, but I wasn't having it.

"No, with a split lip, grazed knuckle and cut eyebrow, you're lucky you don't need stitches." I pushed him back into the chair and quickly worked to disinfect and bandage his hand.

His hand rested awkwardly on my knee.  

He winced in pain when I applied the disinfectant and began to fidget, bouncing his leg up and down, disrupting my handy work. "Sit still," I ordered, but he continued to move about in a disruptive manner.

I stopped what I was doing and looked up into his eyes. "Just sit still you idiot!" I said, frustration evident in my tone. 

 I noticed the corner of his lip quirk into a slight smirk and he stifled a laugh.

"Alright, sorry." He surrendered grinning sheepishly.

"Any excuse for a fight with you boys." I shook my head, adding the final touches to the bandages on his knuckles.

"Nah," He spoke casually, "That wanker Angus had it comin'." He spoke with a smile, as if proud of his handy work. I noticed the dimples which now marked either side of his cheeks.

"Sorry..." He spoke with regret at the use of the word 'wanker' but I had heard far worse and shrugged it off with a slight grin.

"Well, that 'wanker' Angus looked in far worse condition than you. You're lucky nurse Esma is  good at what she does." I now moved my attention to his lip and held his jaw in my left hand to steady his movements. I swabbed the area with disinfectant and cleaned it of blood. We were close enough that I could smell the peppermint gum that he was chewing. 

I'd hoped to avoid eye contact altogether, but his eyes were so alluring and unique that I found myself yearning to make contact with them. His eyes were already on mine when I turned to face him. Harry cleared his throat awkwardly and quickly averted his gaze. 

After finally cleaning the blood from the cut in his brow, his lips spread into a thankful grin.

"Go get your medical chart." Despite the demand, my voice was soft. Within two minutes Harry was back and handing me his medical records.

"Drop them." I pointed to his boxers, avoiding eye contact.

"Like this?" He spoke softly, bending over the medical countertop. I nodded and proceeded to poke him with the needle. He groaned and clutched the edges of the countertop.

"Fuck that really does hurt......" He mumbled under his breath. 

"Now, you better not be getting into any more fights Soldier, I might not be there to patch you up." I joked with a grin and he laughed in response. 

"Thank you nurse...???" He asked with a cocked brow. 

"Beauchamp, Lianna Beauchamp." I replied. 

"Thank you, nurse Beauchamp." He spoke with gratitude. 

"Now, on your way soldier." I motioned towards the door and he left, only turning around to give me a quick nod.

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