Chapter 43- Final chapter

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"Can we just forgot about France, forget about Dunkirk and Ypres." I stated and she nodded her head against my chest.

"We're together now, right?" I spoke into her hair.

"Yes." She mumbled.

I hugged Lianna in her white lace dress.

I caressed her hair and her cheeks and her bare shoulders.

The wind picked up and began to blow around us.

"I love you." She whispered against my chest.

"I love you too."



Harry and I strolled back to his mother's house, arms linked with one another's. Despite his assurance, a sense of guilt still dawned on me that I couldn't shake. However, I cleared my throat and pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind.

"Want to hear a joke?" I cocked my head, eyes toward his.

A large grin spread across his cheeks and he nodded his head once.

"A man goes to the barber," I began "and the barber asks, 'how would you like your hair cut'." I knew the joke was terrible to begin with but I couldn't help the smile that inched across my lips.

"How?" Harry asked, his eyes never leaving mine.

"In silence, the man says, '." I giggled, slapping my hand against my thigh.

Harry only laughed at my reaction and not the joke itself. "That's a terrible joke." He spoke shaking his head. I reached out and poked his dimples which were now showing.

We stopped walking and Harry turned me towards him. He brought his hand up to my face and slowly bent down, pressing his lips against mine. I shut my eyes and brought my hands to his chest.

He pulled away and smirked. "Tell me another."

"I thought you said my jokes were terrible." I cocked a brow.

"They are." He replied and we continued walking.

"Alright, so." I began. "What's the difference between stabbing a man and killing a hog?" I asked, a large smile plastered across my face so intensely that my cheeks ached.


When we arrived back at Harry's, Anne greeted us with a plate of sweet biscuits and two cups of steaming tea.

"Sorry you two, but this is all the desert I could get my hands on." She spoke cheerfully, her eyes wide and full of excitement.

"Thank you, Anne," I replied gratefully.

We sat with her for thirty minutes in the lounge room, sipping our tea and nibbling away at our sweet biscuits. Harry ate five and I ate four.

After informing us that she could no longer keep her eyes open, Anne kissed Harry and I goodnight and left for her room.

"I'll wake up early to make the pair of you breakfast." She assured us with a sleepy grin.

After Harry and I had finished our drinks and eaten all the biscuits, he turned towards me and smirked.

"Tired?" He asked.

"No." I shook my head playfully. "You?"

"Nup." He replied, running a hand through his long, brown locks.

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