Chapter 6

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"Havin' all the fun without me I see." Spoke a man with a thick Scottish accent.

Harry only laughed as the man clapped him on the back playfully. "Ease up pal," Harry spoke with a grin, sitting up from his stool at the bar.

"Lianna this is my mate, Fergus." Harry smiled. "Fergus, this is nurse Lianna Beauchamp."

Fergus held out his hand and I shook it politely. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance lass."

"A Scot?" I pointed out the obvious.

"Aye," He spoke with a nod. "Born and raised, but moved to Manchester at the age of 19."

A large cheesy grin spread across my lips as I looked between both Harry and Fergus, "How lovely." I could tell the two were close.

"Indeed," Fergus spoke with a gleam of mischief in his eyes. "You've got yourself a pretty lass here Harry." I blushed slightly, sipping at my whiskey, hoping to avoid where this conversation was headed.

Fergus grinned, eyes moving back and forth between Harry and I who were both laughing at the drunken saxophone player.

"Look at you two, giggling like a pair of young teens in love." My eyes widened drastically at his comment, as did Harrys.

"We're just mates," Harry stated bluntly.

"Just friends," I retorted quickly coming to my own defense.

Harry was handsome and charming, there was no doubt about it, but he was merely a friend if anything at that, I'd only known the man a day.

"I mean, we only met today. You see," I turned to Fergus. "Harry got himself into a bit of trouble after brawling with one of the other soldiers." I made an attempt to change the subject. "Had to patch him up myself, the fool." I jokingly shook my head at Harry whose lips were quirked into a slight smirk.

"Ohhh, with that wee bastard Angus." Fergus spoke knowingly of the situation.

"Yea, I admit, he is quite the brute." I responded, rolling my eyes at the incident which had happened earlier.

"Always gettin' himself into trouble Harry is," Fergus mumbled, eyes gazing the room, I wondered what for. "There! I spot him in the corner!" Fergus spoke through clenched teeth, as Harry quickly turned his head. I followed their gaze to see Angus, sitting with a group of soldiers in the corner of the club, eyes fixated on their drinks.

'oh boy,' I thought to myself, 'here we go again'

"What do you say we give him a good thrashing, finish what ya' started today lad." Fergus turned towards Harry, who was now clenching his jaw in anger.

"Oh, please don't," I begged, stepping in front of the two boys, who both towered over the top of me. 

"Lianna!" Called Daisy. 'Thank goodness' I thought to myself, a distraction.

"Ohh umm-" I fumbled, "Harry and Fergus." This is my friend, Daisy." I quickly grabbed Daisy by the arm, turning her to face the boys, hoping to distract their urge to fight.

Their faces finally relaxed and they both took their seat, "Ma'am," Harry spoke politely, holding out a hand for her to shake.

"Whatta lovely lookin lass you are," Fergus spoke with a smirk.

Daisy grinned widely, "Gentlemen," She nodded her head. "Little problem," Daisy turned and spoke towards me, "Esma has gone and gotten herself sick with the drink." Daisy giggled face towards the boys.

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