Chapter 2 - Arrived

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Chapter 2 - Arrived

*Chae rin's POV*

I immediately rubbed my eyes as i look at my window to my right side where a struck of sun ray's hit me. Signaling me that were almost touch down in Seoul. I can already see the busy buildings and streets where the plane is going down slowly by slowly.

"I'm finally here!" Grins excitedly while pressing both my hands in the window pane. The view is spontaneous. Seoul really is very different from my home town. My home town is in Gyeongsang. It is pretty small and quiet there. Mostly found there were grass lands, sugar canes and riversides. There were just a few cars there and schools too. And that's where my school there was the most Popular. Unlike Seoul, Seoul is a very very huge city that is always busy. From the looks of it, there are plenty of tall buildings and different spots and places you can already see and go to.

And not too long, we finally arrived. The doors of the plane opened and i slowly walked out. And when both of my feet finally touched the ground, I couldn't move an inch. I can't believe i'm here. And a few seconds, I started walking inside the airport. As expected, i saw a guy wearing a black suit like a tuxedo and his hair is neatly fall into place. I then knew it was the guy that mom told me. It is because of the sign that he is holding. Where my family name sticks in there, Ms. Jang. He then bowed as i moved closer to him.

"Welcome to Seoul Ms. Jang! It's a pleasure to meet you! I'm Mr. Jin and i'll be the one to direct you to your school." He politely greeted me and ended it with a smile.

I politely bowed back "Pleasure to meet you too Mr. Jin! Just call me Chae rin for short." I politely replied.

"Okay as you wish, Chae rin." He nod and grab my things.

"Kamsahamnida." I said.

"No problem, Ms. Chae rin." He replied as we walk towards a very shiny black car parked infront of the airport. He then placed my bags at the back and opened the second back door of the car for me. I just nodded and smiled in return.

I hopped on the car, which is similar to a limo. Inside the car, there is a bottle of wine in the middle and two small tv screens located at the back of the front seats. It's a bit surprising, because i never hopped on a car like this before.

"We are finally going to our destination Ms. Chae rin. Please sit back and relax and enjoy the ride." Mr. Jin politely said.

"Neh, Kamsahamnida Mr. Jin." I nodded and continued to look at the view of my left side. I can't believe i am actually in Seoul. It's spectacular! Seoul is very different from my hometown. It's busy, you can see different people walking fast from that street to the other street. Car's were in speed and street foods can be smelled. It's totally opposite from where i lived. I can't totally wait what's going to happen when i study here.

"Excuse me Mr. Jin, exactly how many miles are we in the airport to the academy?" I grinned widely.
"It's actually only about 260 kilometers from the airport ms. Chae rin. And exactly 2 1/2 hours when we will arrive at the academy." Mr. Jin answered.

"And there is food to be served for you Ms. Since arriving there takes long, we set up meals, drinks and snacks for you and you can watch tv if you want." He continued.

"Aww jeongmallo? Kamsahamnida Mr. Jin!" I slightly bowed and search for the food which is placed in the cabinet where the wine was placed at the top of it. The food was covered with a clear plastic and the other one was covered with foil. The meals that i saw were beef with broccoli and chicken and pasta. One of my favorite foods. What's this? Some kind of a coincidence? I chose to eat beef and broccoli first and grab a bottle of water. After finish eating, i on the tv and watched the news.

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