Chapter 5 - What Just happened?

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——- Chae Rin's POV——-

Well, it's another fresh morning here in school and which I believe this will be the best day to go out and listen to the calm breeze of the trees here in our mini park located 2 blocks from the girl's dorm. It's already my 1 week here and I'm here all alone slowly walking outside my dorm going to the direction of the park and reminiscing every bit of my moment from this perfectly fair weather. Just forgive me okay peace I just really did miss those quiet breeze and those unparalleled trees way back home; You will never hear engines surrounding the noises too. Just like this, it feels like I already existed in heaven.

I carry on while about to take a sit back from the largest tree and grab my headphones and listen to soft songs like country, classic or ballad. I listen mostly to Akdong Musician, T. Swift, Christina Perri, K.will and etc. But the song i'm currently listening to is Christina Perri's "A Thousand Years." It just conveys the atmosphere right now and someone should not disturb me from this Infrequent moment OR ELSE. Really. I'm serious. 

KNACK! a peculiar noise from the bushes at my left side. Strange since its still early in the morning. I should just not mind it. After all, it could be just an animal making that sound. BARF! there it goes again. Now I can already reassure that its not an animal. And so out of my curiosity, I look over to get a glimpse. As I take a step closer, I can already smell puke. Looks like someones puking. Who could it be? Don't tell me its the start of ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE! O - MY! I'm being idiotic there is no such thing as that.

As I continued to take a peek from the bushes, It didn't really extremely astonish me this time. Not this guy again. The guy that I got so pissed just last week and that we instantly exchanged our apologies and became friends. Heck. Seriously. He thinks I can easily forgive him just like that? Okay, fine! I admit. I already settled my mind about that and so I'll just get rid of this immature issue and move on with my life where God is taking me. I'm pretty sure I'm going to survive any evil schemes that Luhan freak is going to do to me from now on. 

Going back, I rubbed my eyes for a clearer look to avoid misjudgement. Is it really him? Maybe my eyes are still drowsy from waking up so early. Yes, it sure is him. Woah I am really staring in front of him with my own eyes while he is still vomiting. This maybe the time for a wake up call or for a revenge? If I'm able to record him right now, possible consequences are he will do weekend chores in school or OR!  get kicked out from this school and what's the best part? I will never ever be able to see him and his monstrous attitude ever again. Muhahaha! and Uhh... but I still think i'm going too overboard about this. This is not the usual me at all. Ughh enough about that... What was this guy doing all along yesterday that ended up him being here? Eyy he is a bad boy after all. He could possibly always visit privately to girls' dorms to flirt and make out or go to parties more like everyday. That's disgusting and inappropriate. His breath also stinks even if we're more like ten inches apart. I didn't even look at him as I took a step back. To do or not to do? I should record this. No, don't chae rin! You might be framed! Ugh not again.. I'm confused. What if it's just some part of his old lame pranks? What if he's setting me up like before? I shouldn't bother at all... I ruffled my hair with confusion but still.. I can't help but to take my phone out and record this. But something is still bothering my index finger to press the button in order to start the video. Is he really that bad to make him leave this school? That was just an accident and maybe that's just how he normally acts towards other people. Ahh Molla! I won't continue this! It's too bothering and troublesome. We just made peace with each other  and I am not ready to fight for another war just yet. I still need to prepare my mind spiritually and my body physically. 

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