when you meet

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Jeff the killer:

It was a normal night for (m/n), he attempted at doing some yoga and lifting some weights, but not being one for keeping routines, he often skipped it.

This was one of those nights, it appeared. His bed was calling his name and he was a weak, weak person.

Before (m/n) went to bed he took a shower, changed into some sweatpants and walked into his room, he suddenly felt sudden uneasiness, a prickling at the back of his neck, nothing big, just this buzzing sensation of paranoia, he took a quick look around his room, locked his window and closed the blinds and then hopped into bed.

It took more time than usual to fall into unconsciousness, but after taking a few breaths and thinking of hopping sheep, he did.

He woke up a while later hearing quiet footsteps, immediately his stomach fell to his feet and he felt a cold sensation of dread spread through his body. He felt dizzy with the feeling of fear. He tried making his breath as stable as possible, he might've been terrified, but he was also determined to make it out alive.

The silence was deafening, and the buzzing in his ears seemed louder than ever before. He so badly wanted to turn around but forced himself to say put.

He heard words being whispered, before the unmistakable sound of a weapon hurtling into the air split the silence, but before the intruder could strike; (m/n) jumped into action, throwing himself to the side as the intruders weapon struck into the mattress.

The intruder was obviously surprised, and (m/n) used the element of surprise to his advantage, he threw his body onto the intruder and pinned him to the ground face up and he got a sight of the intruders face, and what he saw made him want to gag.

It wasn't a pretty sight, the man under him was extremely pale and had a roughly scarred face; the most noticeable being the two splits going up his mouth to be some sort of smile.

The stranger under him growled and struggled against (m/n)'s grip, suddenly the sound of police sirens filled the air, maybe the noise alarmed his neighbours and they called the police? Nevertheless (m/n) was thankful.

The stranger growled one last time and struggled harder and (m/n) accidentally loosened his grip. The stranger thrashed and thrashed until he got out of the (hair/coloured) males grip, he scrambled to the window and ran out of sight.

But what surprised (m/n) most was that he could totally hold that guy down. Maybe it was the panic on the mans face, maybe it was the need for all of this to be over, but his grip had loosened and (m/n) wasn't sure if it was 100% unintentional.


BEN drowned:

(m/n) was pretty excited, he had just gotten a new game called 'majoras mask' and he thought it could be entertaining playing something after he had finished all his other ones. He got himself comfortable and put the bowl of snacks next to him before starting the game up.

Everything was pretty normal except som occasional glitches, which he did find weird, but considering he bought it used he didn't exactly expect it to be in perfect shape.

Suddenly the whole screen became black and the words 'you shouldn't have done that' was written.

He found it odd, but amusing nonetheless, it was an elaborated hack. "Oh really?" he said out loud, he lifted an unimpressed brow.

The screen glitched and a hand came through it. A very pale and wet hand. He expected a monster, a demon, some sort of weird shit.

Creepypasta boyfriend scenarios (male reader)Where stories live. Discover now