BEN drowned - He gets jealous (edited)

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BEN drowned:

Ben looked amused as he watched (m/n) hurriedly throw clothes that covered the floor into the closet, he picked up the millions of candy wrappers off of the floor into the garbage bin located in the corner of his room, empty.

"Why are you even cleaning? It's not very characteristic of you~" Ben said as he floated around the room

"I have a group assignment and the guy I'm doing it with is coming over any minute now, I don't want to force him to sit in all this garbage" (m/n) answered, however he didn't see Ben stopping mid air and glancing at (m/n) as he tidied up his bed.

" it's a guy?" Ben said, he continued to float but this time he was deep in thought.

(m/n) hummed in answer and grinned a little as he looked around his now clean room, he grabbed a pair of fresh sweatpants and a hoodie, he wanted to shower so he didn't smell of sweat.

"Ben you have to go now, I have to shower before he gets here, so...float into my DS" (m/n) said the last part a bit uncertain, the whole 'teleporting through electronics' thing didn't bother him but he didn't exactly know how it worked.

On the other side, Ben was feeling a bit odd, over the time they had to get to know eachother Ben had grown very protective over the boy, so he was unsure if this person was here to do more than just study, which sounded completely unrealistic but now that the thought was in his head, he couldn't stop thinking about it.

He was knocked out of thought when a grip was closed around his ankle, dragging him to the ground, he was unprepared for the attack, he started flailing around his arms in a attempt to be free but (m/n)'s grip was too strong.

(m/n) dragged him in the direction of his DS and pushed him in, surprisingly Bens limb started to actually disappear into the DS until his whole body was in it.

"Don't you dare come out when he is here, okay? It'll only cause more problems if a floating elf comes out of my god damn DS."

"Hey! I'm not an el-" bens annoyed voice echoed through the room but (m/n) cut him off before Ben could finish his sentence.

"I don't care, now shut up." (m/n)'s voice was monotone, he wasn't dealing with Bens bullshit right now.

"Or what?~" Bens teasing was only making (m/n) more annoyed, so he brought the last card to the table.

"....or I'll bring the water gun out," (m/n) was smirking now, the last time he brought out his water gun Ben was traumatised for hours, but he should've known that (m/n) wasn't someone to fuck with.

A gasp echoed through the room as Ben sounded offended.

"You wouldn't," he sounded like (m/n) had just killed his mother.  (m/n) couldn't help but break out into a smile. But the sound of the doorbell made him groan, he didn't even get to shower.

He quickly changed shirt and sprayed deodorant all over himself before running downstairs, almost tripping but quickly regained balance. He opened the door and  Thomas who had been patiently waiting outside seemed a bit flustered at the sight of a disheveled (m/n).

"Ah, come in," he said, opening the door wider for Thomas  to come in, he cautiously  stepped in, he was like many other people when being in someone else's home; awkward.

(m/n) led Thomas up the stairs and apologised for the mess but the other teen smiled and said that it was alright which somewhat reassured (m/n), who couldn't help but silently fret over the random sock on the hallway floor. 

When they got to (m/n)'s  room they placed themselves on the bedroom floor, Thomas dropped his bag and emptied all the English papers they had to work on and they got to work. Thomas would occasionally stutter when they would make eye contact. Thomas felt strangely hypnotized by (m/n)'s voice, he knew he was gay, but it felt almost like overkill when the other boy gave him soft praise for getting a question right.  Thomas collected his thoughts as well as he could and tried concentrating on the work at hand. On the other side BEN was watching through (m/n)'s tv, and let's just say he was steaming, who the fuck did this kid think he was, doing love dove eyes at Ben's partner like that? Friend. Bens friend. 

An hour or two later Thomas had to go home and (m/n) sighed, laying down on his bed, he was exhausted after all that studying and just wanted to close his eyes and sleep forever, but of course BEN came out of the tv as soon as the door closed.

"Were you jealous?" Was the only thing that left (m/n) mouth when ben emerged through the tv.

"What? no-I wouldn't be jealous of some little loser--what made you even--" BEN stammered and an occasional 'tch as if' was mumbled, his anger was growing but it all just washed away when he heard one sound that made him stop talking.

(m/n)'s laugh.

He was laying there on the bed laughing with a big smile on his face and in that moment he didn't care about that little loser Thomas, or getting accused of being jealous, because the sound of (m/n)'s gleeful laugh made him just stare at the boy he had hopelessly fallen for, the boy who was mostly emotionless but now showed emotions to him and now, showed him his laughter, and BEN couldn't even pretend to be angry anymore.



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