A Little Drama with your Dew

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Slipping outside, I take a deep breath of the heavy air. The day smells wet, forecasting humid showers. It's almost October, so the warm day is a nice reprieve.
Dew seeps into my Converse as I listen to the chittering of birds, waiting for Ashley and Cassidy. Everyone agreed to meet for breakfast at the boys' house today, so we're trying to get out the door. Clair left early to "socialize" with Sam, meaning it's just us three left.
              A soft creak announces their presence as they exit the house and come to stand beside me. Cassidy, willowy and light as a feather, is like the chicks in a nest. Ashley, as unique and strong as the flower still blooming.
                I must not be the only soul quelled in this hour of Earth, for the walk across the street is a silent and pleasant one.
                 With a soft knock, we enter the house and drift to different people.
Ashley greets a foggy Cooper, and I a groggy Logan. The only real early bird is Cassidy- this fact only adds to her grandmotherly ways.
Logan lights up as I approach, green eyes vivid beneath a blonde mop.
"Hey," I say, snatching his coffee for a drink. It's sweet and bitter, very creamy.
He tsks me, stealing it and protecting it from view.
"Hey," he returns.
With that, we begin to talk, the trivial and important.
Suddenly, Clair and Sam appear, materializing as though ghosts or holograms. No one says anything about Clair's lipstick smear or Sam's tousled hair as we sit down to feast.
"Hey, you know," begins Nick in a low voice, one that promises dirty little secrets. "I'm coaching a hockey game today- you wanna come? We could get lunch afterwards, if you're hungry or thirsty." He winks at Clair, angling his puffed chest her way.
Clair giggles, glancing at her lap and biting her lip. "It's a date if my schedule's clear."
"Of course, baby," he croons. In my peripheral, I can see everyone else's head whip up as mine does. Baby? I think not.
Sam is the only one with his head down. His eyes are locked in a death stare with his Eggs Benedict, the fork in his hand digging into his aggravated palm. The rest of us can totally tell it's faked- since when does Clair bat her eyelashes or Nicholas use lines that cheesy? But it's obvious Sam is pissed.
Mumbling, Sam grates his chair backwards, slamming his fork down and storming towards the garage.
"Is someone jealous," smirks Ashley, eating her eggs with gusto.
"I think so," exclaims Cassidy, stifling her giggles.
"Bathroom," blurts Clair knocking over her chair as she stands. "I need to go," she explains, blushing and heading for the garage as well.
                    The room is silent except for chewing and swallowing squelches as everyone strains to eavesdrop on Sam and Clair.
                     Eventually, the rev of a motorcycle echoes back to us, starting up and peeling away down the street.
                    "Did he just... ditch us? Without a goodbye," questioned Logan, faking bafflement.
                    Shaking his head, Nick concurs. "Just cold," he says.
                   Shrugging, we all finish eating, leaving afterward to go about our daily tasks. It's discovered later that Clair and Sam had a heartfelt moment in the garage before deciding to spend the day with her father; you never know anymore.

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