"Talking body"

567 27 21

Ryes vision 

I sat on Mikey's belly when it started to rain a lot. I helped Mikey op, and then we ran inside hand in hand. 

 We came in the apartment, and there was Jack, talking to Brook. Brook almost jumped up from the chair when he saw us. "How can you leave me, after what you just told?" said Brook to me, "im sorry, I just had to get away, Brook", "but still Rye, I was just worried about you", "im sorry Brook, I really am", said I and walked over to Brook and gave him a hug. I walked back to Mikey and took his hand.

Mikeys vision

Rye took my hand and followed me to his bunk. He crawled up the ladder and sat down on his bed. I followed after him. We stared at each other without saying anything, but then he broke the silence and began to sing, "Bed, stay in bed The feeling of your skin locked in my head. Smoke, smoke me broke I don't care I'm down for what you want. Day drunk into the night. Wanna keep you here cause you dry my tears. Yeah, summer lovin' and fights, How it is for us and it's all because. Now if we're talking body you got a perfect one so put it on me. Swear it won't take you long If you love me right........We fuck for life..........We love for life on and on and on.

Rye send sexy eyes to me, which made me smile. Rye crawled over to me and started to kiss my neck. I slowly laid down on the bed. Rye took his shirt off and so did I. What a body Rye have, I have never looked at it like I do now. He took his shoes off, and took mine off too. Rye kissed me again and slowly touched my body with his hand. His hand slowly moved closer to my pants.

Jacks vision

"JAAAAACK!!" yelled Brook, "YYEEEAAAHHH!" "CAN YOU PLEASE GET MY BAG?" "YEAH OF COURSE, COMING WITH IT IN A MINUTE, JUST WAIT" yelled I back to Brook. I ran around the house, to look after Brooks bag, but I couldn't find it anywhere. The only place I havent look is the bedroom, so thats my last chance. I opened the door to the bedroom, and that was where I saw them, I saw Mikey and Rye kissing each other on Ryes bunk. Rye was about to take Mikeys pants off, but I couldn't look at it anymore so I closed the door again. This can't be true. 

"BROOK I COULDNT FIND IT, YOU HAVE TO LOOK FOR IT YOURSELF, IM GOING OUTSIDE, I NEED SOME AIR!" yelled I and walked outside. It can't be true, they can't be together, it could split the group. Why Mikey and Rye? I thought Mikey and Andy had something going on, and where is Andy even?. Well Rykey is real apparently. I better tweet that, "Roadies, guess what? RYKEY IS REAL!" tweeted I. Now that is out in the world. My phone started to freak out, because of all the tweet's that the roadies sent to me, so Ryes and Mikeys phone are probably burning right now, but they are probably too busy to see it. 

Brook came running over to me. "Do you even know what you have done Jack?" said Brook to me while he pointed at his phone..

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