No place to hide!

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Andy's vision

Mikey and Rye is out there, doing I don't know what and me and Jack sitting alone in silence. I don't know why Jack is so mad. It wasn't Mikey who sent that tweet, that was himself. 

"Jack, why are you so mad?" said I and took Jack's hand. Jack pulled his hand to himself. "Andy I can see how you look at him!" said Jack a little loud, almost like he yelled. "At Rye?" said I worried. "No Andy! at Mikey!" "Mikey??" "Yes Andy! at Mikey fucking Cobban!" said Jack and stood up just in anger. "Yes I look at him like I look at anybody else" "No Andy you don't, stop pretending like you don' know what i'm talking about!!" said Jack and pushed the chair to the table. I got really mad at Jack now and I think he saw it. What give him the rights to accuse me like that?. "You still have feelings for him, Andy!. I don't want to be a replacement for him, so you just can hide your feelings." "Stop Jack! why do you accuse me for something you don't even know anything about!" said I and pushed Jack. "What the fuck Andy!. You know i'm right!" "you don't know shit!" "then tell me that nothing I said was true" said Jack and smiled evil. I didn't say anything to him, because I have never been good at lying. "see! what did I tell you!" said Jack and crossed his arms. "Jack. Maybe I still have feelings for Mikey, but you are no replacement for him. I swear." said I and tried to take Jacks hand, but with no luck. "How can I trust you Andy? you just told me you have feelings for Mikey. I can't deal with this Andy." said Jack and ran out of the front door. "Jack...." whispered I. A tear fell down my cheek. I have no one.

 Jack's vision

Am I even gay? like am I sure that I am??. I don't even know if I had the right feelings when I kissed Andy. Do you just know if you are gay?. I don't even know my sexuality anymore. 

Mikey's vision  

I looked over Rye's shoulder, and saw Jack ran out of the front door. "Why is Jack running, like he just killed someone?" "What? where?" said Rye and sat me down. "There" I pointed at Jack that ran into the woods. "Should we go after him? said I and took Rye's hand. "Yeah but i'm going alone. You can go inside and see if Andy is still alive." said Rye and smiled to me. "Okay Rye, see you later" said I and kissed him the last time before I walked over to our apartment. I didn't really wanted to talk to Andy after all that, with him and I, and Jack. 

Andy's vision

I looked out of the window, to see if I could see Jack. No Jack but one Mikey, walking over to the apartment. Why can't he just leave me alone. I got eye contact with Mikey in a second, before I walked away from the window. "Fuck he saw me" whispered I to myself. Now he knows i'm up here. It doesn't even make sense if I tried to hide. I ran over to the door and locked it. Hopefully he forgot his key inside. I ran over to the window again to see if Mikey still was there. No Mikey. He is probably walking up the stairs, at this second i'm looking out of the window. I ran into my room and closed and locked the door. 

"Andy?". Fuck Mikey didn't forget his keys. "Andy?". his voice got closer to the room. "Andy where are you!?". I could hear that Mikey was right outside the bedroom door. The door handle moved. "Andy I know you are in here!. Open the door please" said Mikey and knocked on the door. I was sitting still and hoped that Mikey would go away. "Open the fucking door Andy! or i'm gonna kick the door down.!"

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