Chapter 8: The next day

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it was the day after my blind date, all day whist i was in school i had been thinking it, Oliver made a great impression, i really liked him ' could i be falling for him?' i thought to myself, ive never felt this way about someone before, i got butterflies every time i thought of our date and when he pulled me by waist.

the day had been going alright untill i saw Jess and here followers, its like she knows when im in a good mood and she takes that has if its her time to bully me, normally i would just ignore her comments but today i felt different after yesterday and me standing up for Oliver i felt kind of heroic and i had the urge to stand up for my self.

"god, why do you always dress like its halloween?" Jess snickered

"why do you always dress like a whore? i mean look at your skirt ive seen belts longer than that thing!" i yelled back

"oh please as if you'd know what looks good or no" she replied

"maybe so, but atleast you cant see my underwear"

"your just jelous" she shouted

"jelous of what? i would never be jelous of you, you have no real friends they just follow you hoping the'll get popular and the only reason your popular is becasue you on cheer team, not that you have any talent!" i screamed the whole of the students in my school looked adn started giggling

jess pushed me me "you have no right to talk to me like this!"

"oh but you have the right to walk around school thinking your better than everyone else? hmmmm i didnt think even the cheer captain isnt like you! your just up your own A***!" i rised my fist up about to hit Jess in the face when my hand was grabbed and i was picked up and carried over to the car park, when i was eventually placed back to my feet i spun around it was Dave

"what the hell Dave?"

"i was getting you out there before you seriously got in trouble or hurt" he said concerned

"oh please Jess cant fight, ive known her since middle school she cant fight"

"it doesnt matter about that, you could of got exspelled, then who am i going to save if your not in school?" he said jokingly

"your sorry, i know you need me" i said and then tip-toed and hugged the lanky guy, i then turned and started to walk away

"where you going?" he yelled

"home.........." i carried on walking, i got to blocks down the street when a car honked behind me and the pulled up at the side of me it was Marley "get in" i said opening the passenger door, i climb in the car, i put the window down on my side and lent my head slightly out of the window

"whats up, your less talkative today" Marley questioned

"im fine, just got into a fight at school"

"seriousy? wait a go cutie" Marley said lightly punching my arm

"well it was an argument and iwas about to punch her but my friend pulled me back....." i replied

"ah well, as long as your okay" he said smiling

"what are you doing here though?"

"well i know how annoyed you get when we just walk in your house, so i thought if i pick you up and ...."

"drive me home i'll have to let you in?"

"yes exactly but the least you could of done is let me finish my sentance"

"dude im letting you crash at my house" i said giggling

"your a cool kid" he replied smiling

"im not a kid and your only two years older than me" i said folding my arms across my chest

"awwh you know im joking cutie, forgive me" he said pouting and doing his puppy dog eyes

"alwasy, how am i meant to not when you do that face" i replied. Marley parked up outside my house, he got before i did and opened the door for i giggled and then i turned to look across the street i saw Dave and Oliver they waved at me and just before i got to wave Marley picked me up in the way husbands do to they're wives on their honeymoon and he ran with into the house. 'damn Marley's stupid now olivers going to think im with someone. urgh.' i thought to my self once Marley put me back on the ground i punched him "what was that for?" i asked

"Well shouldnt i be asking that considering you just hit me?" he replied

"why did you pick me up?"

"whats the big deal, you normally let me do it" he asked

"he guy i like was across the street" i yelled

"ooohhh" his voice went weird kind of sad sounding "well next time give me a sign" he said awkwardly

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2012 ⏰

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