Chapter 5; house party

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Extremely load music playing in the back ground as I sat on a chip filled and beer stained sofa next a drunk and some kid that had fell asleep, I had lost Aidan he did come with me to this party that Dave had thrown but we seemed to had got separated, I decided to get up and look for him, I walked around every room filled with partiers and the smell of cheep beer, I went up stairs to find a bathroom as I was looking for Aidan some bumped into me a spilt their beverage on me, I walked into to bedrooms so hopefully I should 3 try lucky but this was not something lucky that happened me, I opened up the door and was faced with something horrid…


Flash back

‘I woke up and kind of stretch waking up Aidan, I looked up into his eyes he smiled down at me, he lent down and kissed me softly “good morning” Aidan yawned”

And then I see him and Jess waking out on the bed, Jess looked at me and slightly smiled Aidan then looked at me, as my face dropped Jess snarled “this your girlfriend??”

“Were not exclusive” he replied

“Were not anything” I said tearing up as I stormed away, Aidan grabbed my arm “babe?”  “Don’t touch me!” I yelled running away. I ran through the crowd looking for the front door I bumped into someone “omg im sorry” I said whilst walking away, I finally reached the door I grabbed it and ripped it open, I heard foot steps behind me I turned in their direction, I looked at some person following me they stepped forward and touched my face running his thumb on my cheek bone “what’s up? Have you been crying?” Dave asked

“No! Why?” I replied

“Theres tears running down your cheeks, your eyes are red and so is your nose” he said

I quickly covered my face with my hands, I sat on the wall behind me Dave wrapped his arm around my shoulder “what’s the matter?” he asked

“I found Aidan snogging Jess’s face off” I said sniffing

“Well then the guys stupid if he doesn’t want to be with you and if he’s acting like this thinking he’s still going to get you…” Dave sheepishly replied

“Thanks…” I muttered, Dave turned on the wall so that he was facing me, I turned my head looking at him he lent forward slowly and then lightly pressed his lips against mine I turned away and jumped off the wall and ran to my car I couldn’t think about this not after tonight.


I ripped my stupid dress off and put my pink cow jim-jams on and lay on my bed disgusted by Aidan and shocked by what Dave had did, then I heard the sound of a guitar outside my window I walked towards my balcony, I looked down and saw Dave “I woke up

In the middle of the night

Out of luck

With this girl on my mind

She got away now

I'm trying to explain how

I fell in love

That's what I like to call it

But not enough

It's like I never saw it

Drifting away I am

Finding words to say

But it all goes


What does it take to get you

If I never met you

I wouldn't have ran

Across the country like

I'm out of my mind

What does it take to hold you” he sang to me

“What are you doing? Shouldn’t be at your party?” I yelled down

“I left early and do you remember our music class homework? The one about writing a song about someone then singing it to them?” he replied

“Yes?” I responded

“Well my project was for you! Im in love with you VICKEY SMILES, always have been always will be!” he yelled for the whole street to hear, I ran in my room shutting the door to my balcony, I ran down stairs and out the front door Daves face was upset he didn’t see me outside walking to him, I walked up him bare foot and tiptoed and kissed him on the cheek he still hadn’t saw me, when he looked down he picked me up and spun me “im in love with you” he whispered I lent my head up kissed him sheepishly.

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