Stanbill - His ghost [ENGLISH]

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In this OS, Pennywise ate Bill. Yeah, that's sad.


In his room. Again. All alone.

He did not know what to do. He felt so lonely.

Bill was not here anymore.

He could not tell him 'I love you'.

Sometimes, he sees his ghost. He thinks that it is real.

And he remembers that nothing of him was left.

Not even a hair.

Sometimes, Richie comes at his home.

'Come on, bro, you need to move on', he says. 'I miss him too, but not like that! You're gay or what?! You need to go out and be part of our plans!'

And he responds, 'I don't want to'.

And Richie swears beforehe goes out of his place.

Sometimes, Eddie comes too. But without Richie.

'I know you loved him, Stan.'

Eddie was the only one who knew about Stan's feelings for Bill.

'But Richie is right. You need to move on'.

Like always, he does not respond.

Or he says, 'Eddie, I just want to die'.

A day, he went out.

He went to this fucking house were Bill was killed, or more eaten.

He fell on his knees.

And he cried. He cried for so long.

Until he saw Bill's ghost.


'Leave me alone!' He yelled.

But it did not.

The ghost took his hand, and said :

'I loved you, Stan.'

That is when he left.

Stan returned at his home.

He could not take this anymore.

He saw his friends for the last time.

They were proud of him because he finally went out.

But they did not know that this night, Stanley Uris took a knife from his kitchen, opened his veins until he could take blood with his finger, and he wrote 'IT' before he died.

A scream could be heard in all Derry the next morning.

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