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Rarity walked towards Canterlot High with the grace of a queen, but her mind was racing with thoughts about her friendships, relationships, love interests, sexuality, and reputation after she came out.

"Rarity! Wait up!" Sweetie Belle called from behind her.

Rarity sighed and looked behind her to ask Sweetie Belle why she was late, but something stopped her.

Her eyes widened and her greyish white cheeks flushed pink.

Her breathing quickened, her chest puffing in and out. But this was insane, she had never felt this way about one of her friends before.

She had never even considered the idea of loving Applejack.

Though Applejack was a very kind, honest girl, she didn't want to love her. How in the name of Celestia would she fall in love with Applejack if they were so...different?

They were opposites, in fact. Rarity was afraid to get her clothes and her hands dirty. Applejack however, didn't care a lick about fashion. 

In fact, if the government hadn't enforced the law that you had to wear clothes or bathing clothes, 

Rarity was sure that Applejack would have come to school naked.

Applejack wasn't afraid to get dirty. Rarity guessed that it was because she worked hard on her family's apple farm.

All of that dirt, manure and apple picking. It was enough to make Rarity shiver.

Rarity always dressed in the trendiest clothes. She also made her own clothes. And her little sister's clothes. Sweetie Belle wasn't good at picking her...outfits.

Rarity let out a shaky breath and turned back around. She didn't dare look back. Only if-

"Hey, Rarity!" The southern accented voice called from behind her.

Rarity winced and froze.

Only if Applejack called out to her.

She slowly turned around and plastered a fake smile across her face.

"Applejack, darling! How are you?" She asked in a strained voice.

Applejack must've seen the pain in her eyes, the strain in her voice and the hurt in her forced smile.

"You okay, Rarity?" Applejack smiles gently. "You seem a bit...anxious." Rarity was moved by the concern in Applejack's voice.

"O-oh! I'm fine, d-darling!" Rarity's voice broke. She wasn't doing so well.

Applejack's smile fell. She knew something was wrong.

"Um...I have to get to class! See you at lunch! Ta!" Rarity says breathlessly.

She rushes into the school, leaving Applejack alone and confused.

"What just happened?" She asked herself.

There was a faint giggle and a shadowy figure ran into the school.


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