Chapter 7:

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Rarity POV~

Rainbow and Fluttershy started dating six months ago, and the words gotten out at school that she's pregnant because she's started to show. Applejack accepted that Soarin hurt Rainbow but didn't break up with him. Ugh.

Today at lunch, Soarin took her to the room where he hurt her.

He tried to kiss her, but she pushed him away.

"Get the hell away from me!" Rainbow yelled.

His expression changed. It was dark, scary.

He started hitting her, then cutting her, and then he tried to do something else when I burst in.

"STOP! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I screamed.

Applejack pushed in behind me. She gasps, looking away.

"Soarin!" She says in my shoulder. "How could you?!"

"Darling, he paws at you, abuses Rainbow Dash, and-"

"Shut it, Rarity!" Soarin yells.

My eyes widen. I help Rainbow to her feet.

"Ngh..." She says and she gasps. "The baby!" She says.

My eyes widen. Rainbow screams.

"I- I have contractions!" She yells.

"Soarin! YOU HEARTLESS MONSTER!" I scream and I slap him.

Soarin pushes me into the wall.

His fingers touch my lips, then he starts to go lower.

"Get off me..." I whisper, shaking.

Soarin laughs, but it's an empty, dead sound.

"I'll do whatever the fuck I want to you, Rarity." He's pulled off me by Applejack.


His expression turns to panic.

"Oh no! Let's get her to the hospital!" He yells.

"Oh no..." Applejack says shakily.

There is something running down Rainbow's legs and forming a soggy puddle.

It's a clear, liquid that Rainbow is clearly terrified of.

"I'm not ready!" She says.

Soarin looks to me in panic.

"Rarity, your parents sent you to medical camp, right?"

"Yes, but-" I try to say.

"Do you know how to deliver a baby?" He asked.

"Of course! Give me some space!"

Rainbow groans in pain.

"Well, hurry up and work your magic!" Applejack yells.

"We can't do it here! And she needs to be lying down! We'll go to the nurse's office." I say, gathering up some towels.

I text the others to meet us there and we rush to the nurse's office.

The nurse drops her clipboard as soon as we run in.

"Oh my-" She says.

She's interrupted by a cry of pain from Rainbow.

"They're closer together now." She says, breathing heavily.

"How could you let this happen?" The nurse says, helping Rainbow onto the bed.

"This asshole," I point to Soarin. "Hurt her and did stuff." The nurse's eyes widen.

"I'm so sorry for asking." 

Rainbow screams in pain again and Fluttershy, Pinkie, Sunset, Twilight and a girl I've never seen before rush in.

Fluttershy looks overjoyed to see Rainbow.

"Baby!" She says. She runs up to Rainbow and gently hugs her.

"H-Hey, Shy- AHH!!" She grimaced and clutched her stomach gently.

"Check if she's dilated." I say.

The nurse checks.

"Nine centimetres." She says.

"Ok Rainbow. I'm going to need you to-" I start to say.

"Soarin, get out." Rainbow and Fluttershy say at the same time.

Soarin looked like he might argue, but he walks out of the room.

"Guys, please don't freak, but I might need your help." 

Twilight looks confused.

"We do this differently in Equestria. How do you do it here?" 

Sunset whispers something into Twilight's ear who's face flushes a dark red.

"I'm gonna let that sink in..." Sunset says.

Rainbow cries out in pain.

"Ok. Rainbow, do you feel the need to push?" I ask.

"Y-yeah. Is that good?" She asks back.

"Yes. When the contractions are too painful, you'll need to push." The nurse says.

"When'll that happen? They seem awful already-" Rainbow gasps and yells in pain.

"You'll know. It'll seem too painful." I say.

Fluttershy takes Rainbow's hand and Rainbow squeezes it. Fluttershy gasps in pain.

"Here, have my hand. I can take pain easier, 'kay Shy?" Applejack's hand is taken by Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy kisses Rainbow's forehead.

"It'll be ok." She says gently. Applejack grunts in pain.

"You ok, Jackie?" I ask.

Applejack gives me a nervous smile.

"I'll be fine, darlin'." She whispers, grimacing.

My cheeks flush red. She called me darling.

"I- I need to push!" Rainbow says.

"Just wait! You'll know when you really need to push." I whisper, grabbing hot water and towels. I get a wet flannel and put it on her forehead.

"Ok. You're ready." The nurse says.

"Let's do this." I say, and I pull Rainbow's legs apart.

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