The Kiss

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Gerard's POV

      I tend to pick up on little things that most people wouldn't notice, like how Frank wasn't being as crazy as he usually is on stage. he wasn't jumping around, or laying down and sliding across the floor, he had barely moved from his spot to the right of where Bob's drum set stood. I tried my best to ignore it. but it was so hard not to just go over there and squeeze the shit out of him (in a good way). he just looked so sad the whole time, and I really care about Frankie, maybe more than I should for the title 'friends'. 

"so loooong and good niiiiiite" I sang the last lyrics of our last song for the night and thanked everyone for coming. I followed everyone backstage, Mikey, Ray, and Bob all went out the backdoor to get some fresh air.

I was trying so hard not to say anything, but when I saw that Frank had abandoned his guitar on the floor, and was now sat, knees tucked into chest, against the wall, I just couldn't ignore it anymore.

"Frank?" I called to him, he didn't answer. "Frankie, are you okay?" I asked kneeling down beside  him. he sighed and shook his head.

 I sat down beside him, and turned my head to look at him. "whats wrong?" asked, he just shook his head again, still not making an effort to look at me. 

his head fell so his forehead rested on his knees. "hey... you can tell me anything, you know that right?" he lifted his head a bit, still staring into his lap.

 "not this." he mumbled 

 "why not?" I asked. 

"it'll ruin everything." he mumbled. 

"how so?" 

he turned his head to look up at me, but quickly averted his gaze to the floor. "our friendship." he said "it'll ruin our friendship... you'll be mad." he said

I cocked my head, confused, why would I be mad? I asked him just that. 

he shrugged and turned his head away from me. 

then I got an idea. I stuck out my pinkie, and poked him in the shoulder with it.

he looked at it, then raised an eyebrow at me. 

"I promise I won't get mad." I said, with a small smile.

he hesitantly raised his pinkie up, and locked it with mine.



"I uh, so... remember last show... when you... kissed me?"

I nodded.

"i... why did you do it?"

I stopped for a moment, why did I do it? oh right, because I liked him... as more than a friend. I did it on stage cause I figured that way I could pass it off as just a little something to get the fans riled up. but I couldn't exactly tell him that, what if he didn't like it? what if I had been the one to ruin our friendship?

"I, uh, just... thought we needed something to get the fans going, ya know?" I lied.

he nodded, then turned to look right at me. "Gerard, I think I might me gay." he said.

I smiled at that. "thats what you were afraid to tell me? I'm not homophobic Frankie, I kissed you for fucks sake." I said, smiling. he smiled back slightly. 

"actually no. thats not what I was afraid to tell you... theres more."


"yeah... I like you Gee, I liked the kiss, I wish there could be more."

his head was back in his lap and I could see and slight blush on his cheeks.

I slid my fingers under his chin and lifted his head up to mine, and kissed him...again, except this time with much more passion, dare I say with... love. 

"I see you finally told him, Gee." I heard Mike's voice say. I pulled away and narrowed my eyes at him. "Michael James Way, if you could please fuck off." I said. 

he smirked and walked away.

"wanna go back to the tour bus?" I asked.

he nodded, and I took his hand, and pulled him up. he kept his head down, smiling and blushing like crazy as we walked.

hey sorry I haven't updated in a while, I just haven't had many decent ideas, so I hope this one is okay, if you have any one shot requests let me know!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2017 ⏰

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