I always like to convey messages within my stories. Granted I think each person interprets their own message in the words.
For me, I want to take the time to share with you readers, what message I received.
Lexie's wolf, though I know a lot of you were disappointed in her and angry- was actually based off of me.
I think what I was trying to convey is that, in the face of adversity, and darkness, it's a thought we like to have in saying, "I can be strong. I can push myself up and stay above it. I can float. I won't drown."
But what I think a lot of people miss, is that this doesn't apply to everyone.
Not everyone can be strong.
Not everyone can rise above their darkness.
However, I'm here to say that is not a fault to anyone. And that it's okay.
It's okay if you can't be strong.
It's okay if life puts you down one too many times and you don't want to rise anymore.
It's okay if you feel tired.
You don't have to be strong forever.
You don't have to put your head above the water your whole life.
Sometimes, it's okay to drown a little.
I want to note though, that it's not okay to let this darkness consume you, to the point where you can't return.
Lexie's wolf in many ways was and still is me.
When I had events of my past happen (I've already shared that with you readers. I'm not going to reshare that again simply because I don't have it in me), I broke. I didn't rise above it. I didn't fight a good fight.
I simply caved in.
And I think, in a way, that was okay.
In a way, if I had tried to be strong, my mask would have eventually shattered.
But the difference between me and Lexie's wolf is that I eventually realized this was life. You only get one shot at it, and yes there is darkness in it. There is evil. There will always be evil. You are not guaranteed a good life. It's what you make of it. It's what you put forth in it, that you get out.
This might sound cheesy and cliche, but I honestly want to write this end note, because I worry that people will not realize the bigger purpose I put into my stories.
For me, they are not stories.
For me, they are long letters and poems, and words and ideas drawn and written and addressed to you the reader.
For me, it is a message of hope given to you (damn it I said I wouldn't cry).
I want you to know that life will kick you down. But I don't want you to feel like you are alone.
Because always know, that if you are drowning, there will be someone there, to be the lifeguard of your life (oh man was that cheesy), but I hope that these stories can be that saving grace.
It's okay to break.
Break as much as you want.
No one said you had to keep it together.
Who said that?
Your friends?
They are barely holding it together as it is.No.
You continue to be you- uniquely and wonderfully you.
I hope this message has reached into some of your hearts.
And I hope this story, and the others I have written, have done their purpose in creating a knowledge for you to understand that life is a fully beautiful and messy thing.
So break, combust - this is not your destruction.
This is your rebirth.

Sun Child |✔|
WerewolfLexie is not a warrior. In fact, Lexie is a painter. Her hands are always covered in paint. Never coming off. Always there. For Lexie, painting is an escape. An escape from her pain. She paints to avoid the darkness that is in her soul. She paints t...