Chapter 5

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Blake's POV:

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Turn it off..." I whined, reaching my arm out to turn off the alarm clock. My arm felt like it weighed a hundred pounds. Hmm, that's weird.

I heard footsteps race out the door. Who was in my room?

I fought with my eyelids for a moment, forcing them to open. I flinched away from the light. This wasn't my room. I started hyperventilating. I was kidnapped by vampires and put on sedatives. Now they want to rape me so they conveniently put me in the ICU so no one would bother us. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna dieeee!!!

The cardiogram I was hooked up to began to spike, showing my rapidly increasing heart beat.

I felt someone stroking my cheek softly, probably in attempt to calm me down. Gradually, the annoying beeps slowed.

"Oh, thank God. I can't tell you how sorry I am, Blake. I'm so-" A guy with blond hair and green eyes was looking at me, holding my hand. I smirked a bit. He was hot.

"...And I'm retarded and I deserve to burn in the deepest-" I frowned. This guy talked a lot. It was making my head hurt. He tugged his fingers through his hair. The familiar gesture caught me, and I latched onto it, using it to pull myself out of the oblivion.

The minute I got past the filmy haze, I was scared. Why couldn't I remember who this was?

"Blake. Look at me. I'm so sorry about Xander. Not that he's dead! He's fine, not a bruise, thanks to you..." Why wouldn't this guy shut up?

Xander! Xander, Xander, Xander. Why was the name familiar? And that was when the memories flooded. Xander.

I looked at the guy. Cody. Cody James Worthington. Man-whore extraordinaire. Football captain. My sworn enemy. Unreasonable anger welled up inside of me, attempting to persuade me to lash out. And then I remembered what the idiot did. Plotting for revenge, I decided to play it up a bit. Accentuating my usually light Aussie accent, I frowned up at him, widening my blue eyes.                 (A/N Just in case somebody didn't know, Aussie=Australian)

"I'm sorry, but who are you? Why are you talking to me?" I asked, sounding confused. 

His eyes widened and I saw a twinge of worry flash in his eyes.

He rolled his eyes, laughing shakily. "Stop messing around, Brooklyn, it's not funny."

I scrunched my eyes up. "My name is Blake. Not Brooklyn." I said with a frown.

Cody looked visibly shaken. "Your name is Brooklyn. When were six, I wouldn't let you play baseball with my friends because you were a girl. You went home and cut your hair off and dressed up in some of my clothes. You said your name was Blake. We've been calling you that ever since. Remember?" He said in rush.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, struggling not to smile.

Cody was freaking out. "Remember that time I had an allergic reaction to those almonds in my birthday cake when I was eight? You attempted to do CPR on me while my parents caught it on film!"

"I was in Australia when I was eight." I said, sticking out my bottom lip in what I hoped was a cute pout.

Cody just kept on rambling, ignoring my statement, "And then there was that time in ninth grade when you went on a date with that bastard Leo, and he tried to stick his hand up your shirt. You ran home crying and I beat his face in. Remember?

"Please, leave me alone. I don't know you," I whimpered.

Cody looked absolutely terrified. "And in fourth grade when they did that whole Duke TIP thing where they discovered intelligent fourth graders and got them to take the SAT. You were a top-scorer and I took your trophy cup and used it to drink soda.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2012 ⏰

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