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"You think a kiss is gonna make everything okay?" You might be saying that but inside you are jumping for joy.

"No. I know I have to work for you. I was just hoping that would help." He can see the small smile creeping on to your face. He winks and kisses your forehead again.

"I'm going home and getting to bed. I'm fucking tired from taking care of your sick ass all night." You snark.

"Alright. Let me take you home."

He drives you back to your house and Jin has already left for work. Yoongi walks you inside and you wave him off. He quickly takes your phone and looks through it.
"Why isn't my number saved in your phone? I AM your boyfriend after all." His voice once again snarky.
"No your not"
"Soon baby girl"

He leaves just like that. No sassy remark or jerk comment. Just a wave goodbye.

Text log:

Yoongi: I stole your number. Text me.

Y/N: I told you I'm going to bed.

Yoongi: Text me anyways.

Y/N: We don't have anything to talk about.

Yoongi: Youre a virgin. 😋

Y/N: WHAT?! HOW....NO! How that....

Yoongi: Oh please. You didn't kiss back the one time I kissed your lips. YOU DIDNT EVEN KNOW I WAS GIVING YOU A HICKEY!

Y/N: .......

Yoongi: don't fear. YOONGI IS HERE! Daddy will get you all up to speed.

Y/N: you sound like such a perv saying "Daddy". Don't do it. 🤢

Yoongi: well what else are you going to scream when it happens?


Yoongi: I like talking about turns me on. Thinking about you.....screaming for me, your Daddy. Mmm I'm so hot.

Y/N: BOI! stop. I am not doing this over text!!!

Yoongi: ......but you would do it?


The next day at the gym

It was far from a normal day. You look in the mirror of the gym locker room. You have a bruise on your neck from where other girls beat you up and choked you at school. They cut a large lock of your hair.

"She killed her parents!"
"She doesn't even deserve to live!"

Their harsh tone still resonated in your brain bringing you to tears. Suddenly you hear Yoongi's voice. He must have just come in to the gym. He cant see you like this. After wiping your tears, you walk out of the locker room and yoongi immediately notices you.

Yoongi POV

She's been crying....but thats not the first thing he noticed.

The bruise.

On her neck.

From being violently choked.

He pulled her into the locker room and into a changing room in the back.
"Lift up your shirt." He commanded. She tried to push past him.
"I'm not really in the mood for-" he cut her off by lifting up her shirt revealing more dark bruises, cuts, and  cigarette burns.
"Who did this?! Don't you dare fucking lie to me!" He was intimidating and she wasn't planning to get his wrath.
"I got beat up at school. They are just girls that pick on me. They are from another class and I don't know the names." Her voice was soft.
He leaned in and hugged her tight.
"Don't let this happen again. I can't protect you as much as I want to. Come on. We're skipping the gym today." She looked confused as he pushed out of the gym and into his car, again.


Why? Why does he do this? He makes so much drama out of everything. You wish he would just be okay with the normal "I'm fine" answer but of course he never is. It's no use trying to argue with him so you just get in his car and watch him drive you back to your house. Both of you walk inside and sit down on the couch.
"What happened?" He asks.
"I already told you. The girls at the-"
He quickly inturupts.
"What happened to your parents?" Suddenly his face was very serious and you felt your heart drop. You look down at your feet and curl up into a ball.
"The just left. I was in my last year of middle school and Jin was just out of highschool. One day I noticed their bags were packed and I figured they had a business trip but when they left they never came back. We thought they were dead however they later sent a letter leaving the house and business to Jin. That's how he became the CEO. They aren't dead. They just don't want us anymore." You hadn't seen realized how much you were crying. So much that you had left a wet spot on your shirt. Yoongi sighed and leaned his elbows on his knees.
"I'm so sorry. Why don't you tell the other girls?" He asks as he runs your back.
"Tell them what?! TELL THEM THAT MY OWN PARENTS ABANDONED ME BECAUSE IM SO DIFFICULT TO RAISE?  Yes yoongi. That is definitely the best thing to do." Your voice was lined with sarcasm.
"Yah! Don't yell at me! It's not my fault you won't stand up for yourself-" he stops when he sees you crying.

After a long pause, you feel him pull you into his lap.
"What are you doing?!" You yell squirming however his grasp is strong and he keeps you in his lap and rubs your back.
"Calm down. I'm not gonna do anything to you. I'm comforting you. Just sit for a while." He says rocking you into a shallow sleep.

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