Day 3

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Your alarm clock woke you up harshly.

Fuck. Today I have to go to the office...

"Y/N!!!! My sweet sister!!" Jin bursts through the door half naked, which isn't all that weird, and jumps on your bed.
"Get off you weirdo! I'm not going!" You try to hit him but he's like a ninja.
"I have your little business attire all picked out! You'll look so adorable!" He picked your cheeks firmly.
"My little tiny Y/N on her first day of work! Let me get a picture of you!" You finally push him off and out the door and lean against your door and lock it.
"Be ready in 20 minutes!" He yells as he runs downstairs to get ready.
Panning the room, your eyes hit the tight short pencil skirt and white blouse your older brother "so greatfully" picked out for you. It didn't look half bad but man was it mature looking. This would not do around yoongi. Especially since he pulled that stunt yesterday.

God he was beautiful. He's a jerk but there is no denying his looks. His charm. He was born with charisma.

I want him.

I want him so bad.

You throw on the outfit and pair it with a bit of makeup and your long dark hair sleeker back into a pony tail.
Damn you look good. You have a bit of a smirk as you formulate a plan.

What if I look as good as possible and yoongi wants me. Then I could play on that and some how get Yoongi to convince Jin that it's okay for me NEVER TO GO TO THAT HELL HOLE EVER AGAIN!!

That's it!

Why not throw on some stockings. Why not put on some high heels. Maybe a bracelet? No. No. Earrings. There. You look super sexy now.

You walk down to the living room and Jin walks you to the car. You both get in and with in a few minutes you arrive a the large business building.

Strutting into the large glass doors, you and Jin walk to the elevator and take it all the way to the top. There is only his office.

He opens the door and turns around before you can walk in. He stands in the doorway.

"What are you doing? Aren't we going in?" You ask but his face turns sympathetic.

"Wellllllll, I actually have alot of meetings today. Uhm.....go and help yoongi fill out paperwork. He's one floor below me. The only office there." He shuts the door in your face. You yell through the crack, knowing it won't do much.
"Your the worst Jin!!!"

Heels clacking as you stomp through the hallway and onto the elevator.

Please let this elevator get stuck. If there is any god......please....just do this for me!!!!

Hesitating on whether to knock or just jump out a window, your fists gently touch the door labeled "Min Yoongi, Head of Marketing".

"Come in." His voice makes you almost throw up.

You slowly open his door and he is standing infront if his desk. The black tie around his collar on his fitted suit just gives you goosebumps. He hasn't turned around to see you yet so you bite your lip to stop you from lunging at his GORGEOUS lips. Noticing the silence, he turns around. His face goes from serious to sexy in .03 seconds.

"Fuck, Y/N. look like a snack today." His voice is low and sultry. He leans back on his desk and tugs your blouse. He pulls you so your standing in between his legs. God it's such a picture just seeing him look at you.

"And what can I help you with?" He says as his eyes roam the curves of your body.

"I'm" Your voice trails off hoping he didn't hear.

He suddenly looks upwards and laughs.
"Thank you so much for answering my prayers! I owe you one!" He must have been speaking to god too.

Why couldn't you just leave me stuck in an elevator?!?!

"Listen, can you please just tell Jin to send me home? I'm really not into this today." You are on the verge of getting on your knees and begging.
"And miss this?! You should be happy if you even get out of here today. Go ahead and start with this paperwork. Stamp all 600 of these." He says a he hands you a large stack of papers.
"Fuck you." You hiss.
"Baby, we can do that anytime." The smirk on his face can be seen from space but his wink is so subtle.

You were about 400 pages in and he came over to where you were sitting. He came up from behind you and ran his lips against the skin of your neck, moving your hair away with his large hands.

"Let me just have a taste." He whispers in your ear. Your eyes are half open and the pleasure overwhelms you. His hot breath on your skin. You turn around to meet his gaze and return his favour. You run your lips up his neck and cheek to his ear and say bluntly,
"Get me out early."


You didn't think he would agree but in no time, he slowly and lightly presses his lips to yours and kisses you. Honestly this is only your second kiss and the first one didn't count since it was when you were a 9 year old. You can tell he is experienced in it though.

Fucking player.

But you liked it. Your heart felt as though it would beat out of your chest.

I only agreed to a taste.

You pull back and he stands up and smiles.

"Well. Damn. I guess that was your version of a taste?" He pouts.
You nod your head in agreement.
"Alright. Hold on. Let me make a call." He picks up the desk phone and call Jin.
"Hey she's finished with everything I have for her to do. Why don't you let me take her home. She looks pretty tired." He says. You can hear jins fatherly voice on the other end.
"She just going to go to bed! If she goes home then would you watch her? Have her clean her bed room! It needs to be clean before I get home!"
You slam your head on the desk infront of you.



He looks over at you and smirks.
"Why sure my friend. No problem!" His tone made you furious. He hangs up the phone and grabs his keys twirling them on one finger.

"Let's go baby girl."

Head Over Heels: Architect [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now