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Taehyung peeked through the house door, cautious if anyone was there. Mainly his parents. To his luck they weren't standing at the door waiting with those stern expression on their faces they usually held when something occurred. They would usually be there to scold him, but then leave for work as usual leaving him alone. He didn't know why his parents bothered to care now, besides they didn't even raise him. When he was younger he tried everything to get his parents attention, calling them every day and forcing the butler to let him go and meet them in their offices. All he wanted was their love, but they were too busy to realise that.

There were only maids pacing around, getting their jobs done, as usual. Even though the house was full there was something empty about today, maybe it was the fact that the loneliness just overwhelmed him. Although Tae knew if he got caught up in his feelings and let them control him, he wasn't going to get anywhere.

"Taehyung why are you peeking through the door?" He felt a light tap on his shoulder make him glance over to a familiar red head, giving him a gummy smile.
"Shhh." Tae put his finger to Hoseok's lips. "I want no-one to notice me." He whispered.

"Why?" Hoseok furrowed his eyebrows.

"Because I don't want them to notice me- duh I just said." Taehyung whacked his arm, as a sign to be more quite.

"Ouch- and why is that?" He lowered his voice.

"Because I just came out the hospital pabo and I will probably get questioned by my butler's." He stated.

Hoseok sighed. "You're so petty." He then shoved the younger inside the door. "Go on you need to rest, by the way your parents called me to check up on you."

Taehyung scoffed and saw the heaps of workers staring at him. Hoseok followed behind him and closed the house door before dragging him into his own room.

"Woah I never realised your house was so huge." Hoseok knew Taehyung's family was rich, but not that rich. The fact they had so many workers, he wondered why Taehyung even befriended someone like him. Of course he was popular, he had the looks, money, everything the red head would kill for. Hobi at first used to avoid him for this reason, he felt like going with the popular crowd would only lead to drama. To his surprise, it was totally different. Him and Tae bonded over their passion for music and were both close. Even though they were close, Taehyung was always quite distant in how he feels. He never seemed to express himself, and when he did it was only through music.

Hoseok remembered the times he would come in class, looking all annoyed and frustrated. He made his best efforts to console the younger but all he did was push the red head away.

When he saw the younger with Yoongi the other day, it made him smile a little. Not only was it adorable, but he could see they were already close and maybe Taehyung could start opening himself up even more. He only wished the best and wanted to help all he could. Hobi had his fair share of heartbreak in the past and the feelings of being rejected, so he understood how it felt to be alone. He didn't want anyone to feel like that. To be honest he was quite surprised when Taehyung's parents called him to check up on him. It made him a little happy, knowing they trusted him to take care of the brunnette. He was worried and immediately rushed over to see the younger totally fine and lurking outside the door.

Hoseok stepped into his room and his mouth opened in awe at not only how grand it was but how much it was adorned and decorated. Simple but yet refined. The king-sized bed perched in the center in his room and the walls littered with numerous photographs of scenery or himself. However on specific one caught his attention. Maybe it was the fact it was bright. The spring day scene, of a breathtaking tree adorned with light baby pink blossoms, so beautiful and blooming. You could tell the branches were moving briskly in the breeze and the sky was so full of life, the pristine blue.

The picture was so alluring for one reason, you could tell the emotions Tae held when taking that photograph. Not only it was perfect, but compared to the others it was the only one that wasn't so dark or gloomy. Hoseok smiled a little to himself, he turned around to face Taehyung who slumped on his bed and was laying there like a dead starfish.

"I like the pictures you take." Hoseok mentioned and gave him a gummy smile.

Taehyung rolled over onto his stomach. "I'm still an amateur."

Hoseok chuckled. "Honestly your work is great, you're talented Taehyung."

Taehyung out of the blue felt happy and Hoseok's compliments. "T-thanks."

He then felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, taking it out his eyes widened at the caller ID.

"R-rosé?" He stuttered, nervous to answer it. Hoseok looked noticing his reaction. He frowned at him and gestured him to answer it.

Taehyung answered he call and put the phone to his ear, he could feel his body tensing up hearing the soft voice he missed.  "Taehyung can we meet up? Like today."

Taehyung was going to refuse, he felt afraid. He was already recovering from heartbreak, and seeing the one who caused it didn't really help. However for some reason he nonchalantly agreed. And he regretted it, a lot.

Yoongi pressed down onto the brakes, bringing the car to a sudden halt. He was driving around the race course like a lunatic for hours, trying to get rid of this feeling of anger clinging onto him.

He was beyond mad, because of the amount of people attacking him and people who he cared about. He clutched the driving wheel in frustration. Making his knuckles go pale, almost white. Sure, racing was an easy task for him, and an easy way to make money. But the amount of enemies you made in the process, oh boy. He could easily protect himself, but the fact they started to try to harm his sister and dare to touch Taehyung really made him lose control. He wanted to vent his resentment by beating the shit out of the one's who dares to do this. Although they did get arrested, they aren't going to back down anytime soon. Hell no, they wouldn't leave him alone. He grabbed a handful of his hair and groaned. "Why does life have to be so difficult."

He then leaned back in his seat trying to calm his nerves, when he heard a sudden knocking. Yoongi turned his head to realise it was his sister banging on the window and pointing to a near by ice cream truck. Yoongi couldn't help the smile appearing on his face. "Okay okay fine i'll get you one." He took off his seat belt and opened the car door.


A/N I'm sowwyyyy for da boring chapterrrr I promise it will get better ( ^∇^) anyways vote and comment~

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