난 당신이 그리워요

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His eyes widened when he saw a familiar red-head standing at the door as police officers swarmed into the room.
Sao and Jungkook followed behind the brunette, to make an effort to hold him back. Although the female was worried if anything happened to her brother. A strange sense of relief went through both at the sight of the officers grabbing hold of not only Ace and Jeremy but Rin and Jungkook.
They were swift and in a blink of an eye, they managed to restrain the criminals with the handcuffs on their wrists. Not any of them had a chance to escape as all exits were blocked.
It honestly felt like a miracle, like everything that had built up had finally come falling down. The evil plans and pain were all diminished from that moment. He finally felt secure and somewhat happy that Jungkook was caught, the one who troubled him for a long time was finally getting what he deserved and it was thanks to one person.
The rest had already disappeared from the scene but the ravenette was still trying to fight back as he tried to kick the officers, or hit them so he could escape. His efforts were not enough, could he not be such an idiot? In circumstances like these, it would almost be impossible to escape. Even if he did, it wouldn't be easy. He watched as the annoyed male fought back helplessly with curses shooting out his mouth and he felt all that tension in his heart drop in relief. It was like having a weight carried off you.

Taehyung paced towards the red-head. "I thought-"

"I followed you here-" Hoseok simply said. "As soon as I knew something was wrong, I called the police and I guess I was right." He placed a hand on Taehyung's shoulder. "I'm so glad you're okay, honestly." A brief smile appeared on his face as his eyes glimpsed at the blonde coming up from behind him.

"I'm so sorry for getting you into this-" Yoongi muttered quickly but was cut off by the brunette.

"None of it was your fault." The younger mentioned as he grabbed Yoongi's wrist bringing him into a hug. "I got so scared I thought you would've gotten hurt-" He held the male tightly for a few seconds before letting go. "I believe you have explaining to do but-" His eyes went to Sao. The girl looking at them all, despite being scared her eyes now held that sense of ease. Taehyung's mocha eyes warmed up. "We should get home, after all, Sao needs some rest. I'm just glad she doesn't seem injured."

Yoongi nodded in response. "Look I know it all seems over but I still want all of you to be cautious-" The blonde eyes the red-head. "Especially you Hoseok."

"Wha-" Hoseok raised an eyebrow as he rubbed the back of his nape. "Well, it's not my fault for being the good guy-"

The brunette held onto the frail girl's hand. "Let's not talk about this here." He rolled his eyes.

Hoseok felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, taking it out and answering it quickly. "Yeah, Jimin?" He mumbled. "Oh right- I'll be there." he huffed.

Taehyung nudged Yoongi. "I think he finally got himself a boyfriend-"

"Yeah, that's right." Hoseok turned his heel to start walking out the house. He realised he couldn't stand it, it was just the darkness surrounding it that made his skin crawl.

Taehyung almost choked on his saliva. "Why didn't you tell me?!" He said in shock.

Tae felt the female let go of his hand as she fell to the ground, her eyes shut as her skin was oddly pale like of a ghost.



Namjoon stared at the door debating whether or not he should knock. At that moment he was regretting even the thought of coming here that he just wanted to turn around and leave. Taking a deep breath. "Okay Namjoon you came here for a reason, you can't back out now-" He murmured to himself, trying to build up the courage.

"Namjoon?" He heard the deep voice from behind him as he froze on his spot instantly recognizing it. "What are you doing here?"

Joonie turned around and nervously chuckled playing with the ends of his sleeves. "O-oh I just came to see you, of course."

Jin looked at him smugly and scoffed. "You should make your mind up whether or not you want to fucking see me. I'm not playing games here."

"Excuse me?" Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows. "Games? Do you want me to remind you who cheated again?"

Jin shoved passed Namjoon and started unlocking his door. "You don't know shit-" He hissed. "Look I don't want to hurt you no more so I suggest you leave. Maybe we are just not meant to be together."

Joonie nibbled the inside of his cheek. "What do you mean I don't know shit?"

"You don't get it do you-?" Jin sighed.

"I won't get it if you don't damn explain and leave me like this all the time," Namjoon said in frustration. "Look I needed time to think and in that time I just missed you. I wanted to talk, maybe we do still have a chance and if there is I want to latch on to it. Even if I'll end up hurt in the end."

"And you don't think I will end up hurt either?" He opened the door. "I don't think there is a chance."

"Then at least explain-" Namjoon whined.

"There is nothing," Jin said dully. Those words hurting the younger, did they mean nothing to him? Was all he had left, gone? Due to his own foolishness to not realise who he loves was right there, to not trust. He swallowed, as he could feel his throat go sore gasping for air. He always was lost for breath when he could feel those tears wet his face. He couldn't make up any words instead he just decided to leave. He probably was just clinging to something that's already gone, far away from his reach before he could catch it.

He heads a loud sigh. "Come in." the male ran a hand through his hair as he looked at the younger.

"What?" Joonie looked at him confusingly.

"Goddamit Namjoon." He grabbed the male's wrist pulling him inside the house and closing the door behind him. "I miss you too."


A/N thx for reading lovelies ❤
Hopefully, this will be ending soon.

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