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"Yoongi-" The younger called out as he furrowed his eyebrows at his sudden reaction. He was already so tired from everything, but all he could think right now was what will he do?

It was too much for the blonde, he had enough of going through all this. It was the breaking point of his patience. He just wanted to keep Taehyung safe, he wanted them to stay together. Although he was failing at that. The realisation making him feel like utter shit. As he gritted his teeth, pacing through the dull forest, the rays of sunlight in his eyes which made him even more annoyed. The older could hear the yelling of his boyfriend, pleading he would stop and turn around. Though after seeing those bruises it made him realise just how fucking useless he was. That he can't protect the one he loves? When Taehyung was hurt, he couldn't help but feel that pain as well like a sharp dagger slicing through his heart. He couldn't bear to see it, that's why it pained so much, that he was mainly angry with himself.

He wanted to crush those that touched him with his fingertips, they were just insects to him. Insects that deserved to know their place. He wasn't going to run away like this. He knew that at the moment he was being irrational but he honestly was just so pissed and aggravated, those emotions that he tried to bottle up were finally leaving him. He tried to control himself for the sake of Taehyung but he honestly was done with this, the treatment was frankly disgusting and as his boyfriend, he should've done more.

Tae ran after the raged male, managing to catch up and grabbing his shoulder as his heartbeat was fast. "W-we need to leave Yoongi-" He pleaded as his lips dropped into a small frown. "Please."

The older pushed him off lightly as he accelerated ahead, a few meters away was that mansion. Finally reaching the huge building and busting in through the door, he could feel the blood rushing through his head as his footsteps turned loud as he stormed in ready to fight everyone in there with all his powers.

The brunette following behind him back into the prison he hated so much, not wanting to come in contact or see those faces again. He thought it was all his fault. He could've done something before it got to this point but it was all just going wrong. 'Does fate hate us that much?'

That's when the couple came to a halt as they both came across a body sprawled on the floor. Taehyung felt his heart stop for what felt like a long time, at the gruesome yet gut-wrenching sight. Seeing your own family member, laid there completely helpless.  As he felt shivers up his spine, that aching feeling in his heart almost as if someone pulled it right out. It never hurt this much before, getting someone pulled away but you knew they weren't going to come back. They were gone. All the memories you could've made with them were now astray. He was not being able to process the dead, lifeless body that was in front of him. The image was glued to his brain, and it was already haunting him, as he was in utter disbelief. 

Yoongi instantly realised it was a bad idea, seeing the ravenette was nowhere to be seen in the room. The shock struck him also, not expecting to see the bloody body on the floor he immediately looked away at the younger's pale face as he felt chill as if the cold wind just sliced through. 


Namjoon whined as he placed his hands on Jin's chest trying to shove him away but this time the older looked somewhat angered. As he furrowed his eyebrows and his eyes caught Joonie's dark orbs, staring deep into them with despair. "Why don't you trust me?" He questioned as his voice was laced with grief. "I tried everything to win you back and you still see me like this?" He hissed as he grabbed Namjoon's chin harshly. "Look there's nothing between us, its something important we had to-"

Namjoon's eyelids drooped as sighed loudly, breaking the male off. "I don't want to hear it." He said dully. "If you want to be with your damn ex, you can be with her. You don't have to play with my feelings-"

"But I'm not, I really love you Namjoon," Jin replied as his jaw tightened. "You already know I've changed."

He felt tears sting his eyes once again, for the millionth time that he almost felt tired of just crying and being so weak all the time. Why did emotions have to fuck him up so much? As bit the inside of his cheek a little. "You really don't know how much it hurts, don't you?" Sadness clouded the younger's expression avoiding Jin's gaze. "You don't know how it felt when I saw you with her. It felt like my heart just got torn out and you stepped all over it. I gave you my trust again, but when I saw you with her just like before." He slightly lifted his head. "I felt like I was being stepped on again. I can't do this anymore Jin, I like you too much, it hurts."

Jin placed his hands on Namjoon's shoulder as his features softened slightly. "I went to meet up with her because she still had a few things that were mine and was returning them that's all. I told you I wouldn't leave you again." The older tilted his head slightly observing the other male. He realised how soft he was, admiring that tenderness. He just wanted to so badly wrap him in his arms for a long time and not let go. 

"B-but how can I believe you?" the younger looked weakly at the other. "I don't feel like I can trust you anymore." Though what took him by surprise was his sudden closeness, he could feel Jin's hot breath on his lips.

"I understand, but it still doesn't change the fact I love you." before the blonde pressed his lips softly against the latter and they both found themselves melting into the kiss.


A/N finally I got a week off school ;") but I'm sick affff ugh

anyway vote and comments :3 

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