지지 않고

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Taehyung woke up, in the cherry scented bedsheets. His hair in a mess, the male looked next to him to see if Yoongi was there but found himself pouting not finding the blonde there. He got up from his bed and picked up the shirt on the bedroom floor before stumbing towards the window, the air blasting through it whilst it was blowing the thin net curtains. There wasn't much to see, just the ground littered with rubbish and an eerie silence. His eyes squinted seeing the platimum blonde standing outside the apartment his eyes insantly brightening up. He grabbed his shoes, quickly shoving them on and left the room before racing down the stairs.

The breeze blowed through his locks of hair, making it messy. His lips turning into a smug smile, as he decided to suprise the older. He creeped up behind and pounced on him, but he seemed unfazed. Turning around with that ciggarette in between his pink lips. He choked taking it out his mouth. "What are you doing early this morning babe? Go back to sleep."

Taehyung's nose scrunched up at the disgusting smell of the thick smoke and he took a drag. "I-I didn't know you smoked." he huffed. "You know it's not good for your health and you should stop."

Yoongi closed his eyes leaning against the brick wall. "It relieves my stress."

"You should stop-" Taehyung hissed. "I hate cigarette smoke." The brunette really did, his father being a smoker was one of the huge causes to why he disliked it so much. Having a room that completely stank of the smoke was unpleasant, especially since it bought back bad memories. He just hated it since people could take other means to resolving their problems instead of destroying their health.

"If I be specific it gives me pleasure." He admitted, looking at Taehyung.

"Then what else relieves your stress?" Taehyung raised an eyebrow.

"Isn't that ovbious- sex." He shrugged before dropping the cigarette on the floor stepping on it with his heel.

Taehgung gulped thinking about last night, he refused to have sex with Yoongi due to being flustered in the moment and was simply not ready. Yoongi understood and they just ended up cuddling all night. He frowned.

If I just gave him what he wants...

Taehyung felt Yoongi hit him slightly on his arm. "And don't blame it on yourself, I smoke quite a lot."

Taehyung put a hand in his pocket, fumbling with keys and old pockets of gum before pulling out an apple flavoured lollipop. "Can I tell you what else give you pleasure? Candy of course." He chuckled whilst unwrapping the lollipop. He noticed Yoongi smiled a little, before he stuffed the lolly in older's mouth.

"Have lollipops instead of cigarettes." Taehyung stated. "Anyway i'm going to get ready for school and i'm having a shower at your place- oh and you need to wake up Sao." He mumbled before leaving the older stood there in the cold with a lolly in his mouth.


When the male reached school, stood next to the platinum blonde. The chatters already began, and they were so annoying that Taehyung just wanted to scream. "Mind your own business." Although he didn't want to drag even more attention, than to what was already being given.

"Are they together?"

"Omg how dare Taehyung steal my man."

"Doesn't yoongi look sexy today."

Although one person stood out in particular- with her dark red hair a mess and the books clutched her chest as she glanced at Taehyung with those teary eyes before walking away. Rosé.

Taehyung sighed and he felt a grip on his arm, of Yoongi holding him. "Don't think too much about it." He murmured before gently pecking the younger's button nose.

Although a high squealing voice destroyed their moment. The clacking of heels at a familiar girl with those blue contacts approached. It was Rin. Taehyung felt his palms getting sweaty. Yoongi noticed his reaction and was going to pull the younger away from the female although she grabbed his shirt looking at him in the eye.

"You're going to be mine Kim Taehyung." She said with confidence. Her face the same as last time- the light makeup. The natural beauty she was. Taehyung gulped and didn't know what was going through her. He simply decided to gently push her away.

"I'm sorry Rin, I already like someone else so I reject this marriage." Taehyung said bluntly.

Yoongi's eyes widened at the word "marriage" this only made him more curious but he decided not to intervene and ask the younger for an explanation later on.

The girl gasped, Taehyung could sense it now. She wasn't the good girl as her parents saw her, she wasn't the good girl he saw yesterday. The way she put herself out, her persona just seemed to be different. Or was he judging too early?

"I haven't won you over yet. But I promise you Kim Taehyung, i'll be by your side as your wife." She stood tall, as there was a crowd of people seeming to enjoy the scene. Although most of the male's seemed to be drooling over her figure.

Taehyung scoffed. "Look I already told you too back off, I'll not repeat it again. I'm already with someone."

The girl put her hands on her waist. "Then I guess i'll just have to play a game with this lover of yours." A playful smirk appeared on her face and Yoongi clenched his fists.

"I'm playing no games." He spoke up, his eyebrows furrowed.

"W-wait are you telling me Taehyung is gay-?!" She shrieked.

Yoongi was done, he grabbed Taehyung wrist harshly, dragging the brunette out the crowd. Although specific words from the female seemed to catch him off guard.

"Your father will abandon you for this."

But Yoongi didn't care. Taehyung was his now. Only his. He was going to fight for what was is his.


A/N i'm hungry but it's almost 1am here ):

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