Chapter 19: Truth or Dare 😏

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A/N: So I decided to do a time skip for this one because they really can't do these things at night (that sounded so wrong). 😅wHOOPS! Well, just wanted to say thanks to all you guys for reading this story. I never thought that I would reach 1k views, much less 7k, so to do so is a dream come true. Sorry for not updating for so long. School has just ended, so I only just got time to type again. Also, shout out to TheMiraculousPanda and ItzCrystalieh for being amazing friends and people I can talk to. LUV U GURRRRLZ! Please enjoy! (Marinette's POV) (BTW, Bryony's new nickname is Bry 😊)

"Soooooo...I'l go first!" said Val. She was super excited, jumping around from place to place.

(I'm making this up as I go ehehe)

"Jasmine, Truth or Dare?" Val smiled evilly.

"Umm...truth?" She seemed kinda unsure.

Val thought for a moment. "So, who's your crush? And don't say you don't have one. This girl," she pointed at Bry, who waved sheepishly. "told me so. But she didn't tell me who."

Jasmine sent a death glare in Bryony's direction. "Well, fine. There's no use in denying it now. My crush is...Max..."

I smiled. "Ah, the pleasures of young love," I said. Everyone laughed.

Alya got a look in her eyes. A look that I saw every time she tried to hook me up with Adrien.

She had a smile that looked evil as she swayed back and forth in her seat and said to me: "I'm initiating Operation Matchmaker."

I smiled and shook my head. Alya could be a bit eccentric at times, but that was part of the reason why she was my best friend. "Just let them be."

She pouted and crossed her arms. "Fine."

Now it was Jasmine's turn to smile evilly. "Aaaand it's my turn now!" she said. "Alya, Truth or Dare?"

Alya, being the fierce weirdo she is, chose Dare. "I Dare make out with Nino." Jasmine sighed. "That was a lame Dare. Darn it."

All eyes were now switching between between Alya and Nino as they nervously looked at each other and tried to decide what to do.

Finally, after a few seconds, Nino caved. "Oh let's just get this over with." And he kissed her.

I smirked after they pulled away. "Go DJWifi."

Alya's smirk turned identical to mine. "Veeeery clever Mari." She pulled a chalkboard out of nowhere and said: "DJWifi is my ship name with Nino. She got the DJ from Nino's love of DJ-ing, and Wifi from my love of the internet." She then pushed the chalkboard away.

All the girls 'awwww'ed while I just said: "I wish you were this concentrated and analytic in Math". With an extra dramatic sigh for effect.

Alya swatted my shoulder playfully. "It's not as if you're any better. You're always daydreaming about-"

I slapped my hand over her mouth before she could say anymore. Everyone else looked at me strangely.

"Umm...the flies were going into her mouth. Yeah, that's it...ehehe..." By now, they all looked like they thought I was sick. which they probably did.

I uncovered my hand from her mouth and said: "Umm...why don't we continue on? Alya, it's your turn right?"

She smiled. "Oh yeah, it is! Now, this will be a group Dare. Those are allowed, right Brie?"

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