Chapter 3: All Her Employees Will End Up In the Emergency Room

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Chapter 3: All Her Employees Will End Up In The Emergency Room

I wiped my forehead with the back of my hands as the cupcake liners spilled on the floor. I was currently standing in front of the kitchen counter at my workplace early in the morning, making cupcakes with my co-baker, Rachel, who was currently working on the batter for snicker doodle cupcakes with boiled icing. I was baking red velvet cupcakes with oreo creamcheese frosting.

"Bloody hell!" Rachel screamed, dropping her spatula on the floor. "What is it?" I ask her, peering over at her station "There's a cockroach on the cupboard!" Rachel screams and my eyes widen in terror. One thing you should know about me is that I'm terribly afraid of cockroaches.

I gasped, hitting my head on the nearby cupboard. Fiona really needs to put these cabinets in a higher place or else all her employees will end up in the emergency room for head loss. I seriously think Fiona wants to behead us all for being lousy workers.

I'm feeling extra sadistic today.

And I quite enjoy it.

I mean, I'm not in a super crappy mood as of now and maybe I might need a kip sometime today but all in all today feels like a dog's bullocks. It's very early right now, I left the house at four in the morning because I didn't wanna be late again and I also wanted to get a headstart on the cupcakes.

Fortunately, I arrived quite early and about halfway through the cupcake mixing -I had made about four bowls of cupcake batter by then-, Rachel arrived. The bakery had electric mixers so it was easier to bake here rather than at home. My mixer back there is rubbish at its best so I have no choice but to do it manually, which is rather difficult. Plus my measuring cups are broken and all that so I might need to do some shopping before I go home today.

Long after the cockroach incident was finished and fifty dozen cupcakes were baked, Fiona had arrived and opened the bakery.

The bakery divided the menu into two parts -the breakfast division and the brunch till dinner division-. The breakfast division was currently written on the chalk board as it was nine thirty in the morning. By now I expect to see Anthea walking through the doors.



"Hi, Anthea."

See? Told ya.

"Hey, Fiona. Where's Alex?" I can see Anthea through the small window as she smiles sweetly at Fiona, Fiona no doubt smiling back. "She's still in the kitchen. Her morning shift doesn't end until five minutes from now. You can just wait for her." Fiona tells her and I groan inwardly as my stomach grumbled in hunger.

"Okay. Hit me up with a Moccachiella. Thanks, Fiona." Anthea hands her a quid as Fiona gives her change. Anthea scrambles away to look for a seat whilst checking her phone for messages from Niall, I assume.

I sigh as Fiona slams a paper on the desk, smirking at me. I narrow my eyes at her playfully and use my hand to slide the paper towards me, pinning it down on the other orders. I start the espresso machine and pour in a pod and left the machine to do its own magic. A few minutes later, when the coffee was ready, I poured it into a paper cup and rang the bell.

Fiona smiled, picking up the cup and handing it to Lena the waitress. By now my morning shift was over and James would take my place to begin his morning shift. When I come back later for my afternoon shift, James would probably be gone by then.

James was a good-looking guy, 5'9" height, forest green eyes, shaggy blonde hair. The only thing wrong with him is that he's gay.

Didn't see that coming, did ya?

James has a spanish boyfriend called Carlos and they've been together for as long as I knew James. And I had known James when I started working here, which was two years ago. Rumour has it that they're flying off to America to get married and return to England to put up their own bakery. Not here in London, though. James says that it'll probably be in Wolverhampton or in South Bristol where his grandmother lives.

As for me, well nobody really knew this except for Anthea but I've always wanted to be a professional dancer and someday I hope to put up my own dance studio.

But now I've pushed away all those dreams because they embarass me to no end and let's face it, have you ever seen a dancer that eats as much as me?

Didn't think so.

"Fiona! It's the end of my morning shift already. I'll see you later." I tell her and she nods as I get out of the kitchen and towards the back room where I can see James sitting on the wooden bench in front of the lockers, his back arched and his head in his hands.

"Hey, James. You alright?" I ask him and he looks up, smiling. I could see the tiredness in his eyes. There are dark circles underneath the forest he calls eyes and his face is void of any color. His eyes are glossier than usual and the usual dimples he has are gone.

"I'm fine. Bit tired." He yawns, getting up and giving me a bear hug as his tall frame tower over my 5'4" body. Compared to him, I'm like a little munchkin. "I'll see you later, Al. Have a good day." James pinches my cheeks before scooping his apron off of the bench and lugging it over his shoulder.

I shrug and spin the dial on my locker, taking out my bag. I set my bag on the bench and pulled out my favourite hoodie, shrugging it on in order to cover my stained uniform. I take my hair out of its ponytail and let it fall to mid-back. I ran a hand through my curly locks and zipped my bag shut, slinging it over one shoulder.

I walked out of the back room and towards the table Anthea was sat on, mindlessly scrolling through her phone. When she sees me, she smiles and stands up, not saying anything but walking out the door.

Once were out in the crisp, London air, Anthea turned her head towards me. She was wearing a black peacoat and skinny jeans with black ankle boots. I couldn't really see her shirt as it was covered by her coat.

"Where are we going?" I ask her amusingly as she drags me away from the shop.


I raise an eyebrow as she proceeds to drag me towards her car, a purple Ford Fusion, and opens the door, motioning for me to get in. "I ain't gettin' in there even if you grow a beard and die a painful death." I tell her firmly as she rolls her eyes, taking the front of my jacket in her hand as she pulled me towards the door, though I tried to stick my heels on the ground.

Damn, for a small girl Anthea was strong.

I mean, does she go to the gym or something?

"Just get in the effin' car." Anthea giggled when I stumbled inside her car, flopping over as I'm sure my bum created a weird dance routine in the air.

"Honestly, Anthea." I mutter once we're on the road.

"Where are you taking me?" I sigh impatiently, leaning against the the window as she gave me a toothy grin.

"To the airport."

* * * * *


How are all of you doing? I hope you're liking the book so far. Anyway I just wanted to thank all of you for the 1k reads on Guys Like You. It means a lot to me. If you haven't read it yet, go read it now.

PS: I'm starting a QOTD segment for each chapter, do remember to answer them in the comments.

QOTD: What's your favorite restaurant?

Answer: I'd have to say Sbarro for Italian but if we're talking Mexican I'd have to say Taco Bell. Is that even Mexican? IDGAF :p




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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2014 ⏰

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