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It took more time than she was aware of for Sam's demon blood withdrawal to go down. The time it took was indistinguishable, but it was long and excruciating. The hallucinations were the worst part of it. Well, one of the worst parts. The other was the terror of not being able to distinguish reality from the hallucinations. She'd been visited by countless people, countless scenes played across her vision like one of the worst highlights of her life moments, The Samantha Winchester Is Fucked Up Show, starring Samantha Winchester.

It was pure hell. Not to mention the inconsistencies on whether what she experienced was real or fake. It wall so damned complicated and... ugh.

"You good, Sammy?"

Opening her eyes to look over at her sister she nodded faintly, once. Quietly, she watched as her sister came to her side, unlatching the cuffs for the first time since... well she didn't really remember when she was cuffed to begin with.

"How long?" She forced the question out of a dry and scratchy throat. Water.

"It's been a month." Deanna responded stiffly as she uncuffed her first ankle. "Sammy, I thought... you said it was just a couple drops."

"It was." She responded immediately, because there was no other explanation. That was the only place she could've possibly consumed any post-releasing the devil demon blood. "Deanna, I swear it was."

"You went through full Exorcist demon shit while going through it this time. I don't know what the hell was different but those 'few drops' did something crazy to you." There was a silent 'I thought you were going to die.' at the end of the sentence that neither of them addressed.

A month. God. It was only a month? It felt like years. Maybe more.

"Cass?" The question was stupid, but it brought her mind from the ache in her bones and joints.

"She's asleep." Deanna responded quietly and Sam grimaced.

"Angels don't sleep." Cass had developed a weird habit of watching them, or more specifically, Deanna sleep when they were trying to stop the seals from breaking. She'd told them several times that she didn't sleep.

"I know." Deanna responded and they didn't go past there. There was too much blame that could be passed around if they talked about Cass' new state as a Fallen. Deanna's mindset of 'I break everything I touch'. Sam's constant destruction of people around her. Her mind drifted for a moment, for a second she wondered does Lucifer sleep? before she forced that thought out of her head, because Lucifer could only bring blood and pain.

"So how'd you keep sane while I was losing my head?"

"I almost didn't." Deanna responded, the look on her face was enough to say that she hadn't planned to say it. "I taught Cass how to shoot, got the hot water working, and tuned up Baby."

Sam rolled her eyes and sat up slowly as Deanna finally got the strap crossing her chest and stomach off. "So I can shower?"

"All yours." Deanna responded, watching as Sam wobbled to her feet. Everything was sore and numb and the dim moonlight coming through the window on the other side of the room said nighttime. Maybe not a shower, maybe a bath. Deanna would probably tease her mercilessly for it, or she'd let it go because of the situation. Part of her really hoped for the teasing because the silence might drive her crazy.


"Hello, Samantha." Sam all but screamed as she half dove out of the water to grab the gun on the back of the toilet, stopping moments later when she saw who it was and fumbled her torso back under the water.

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