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Father Matteo settled into his small room and remained indoors the rest of the day in order to be well rested for the morning mass of the next day. It would be his first official service as a priest in his new community and he was nervous, to say the least. He was perturbed more when in his thoughts he drifted toward the seventeen year old he had met that afternoon. Fiorella Vanella, or Fiorellita, as father Cesar and the rest of the people in the small village fondly called her.

She was beautiful, but Jongdae knew he could not be bothered with those kinds of thoughts. She was a child of God, and he was a man of God. As a priest he had to see her as only that.

It was difficult for him, especially when she was so beautiful and sweet as rain. The way in which she had gotten herself so permanently etched in his thoughts worried him. He could not let his faith, and his calling, be interrupted by an attraction he was trying to deny.

Jongdae wanted Fiorella, and he had seen she initially felt the same way, when she didn't know he was a priest. He knew it was wrong, God knew Jongdae was aware of that, but it was something inevitable.

Kim Jongdae was damned from the moment he got off that bus in Valle Daza. Or perhaps he was forsaken long before then. Perhaps he was damned from the very moment in which he was brought into this world. It was very much like a quote he saw in a murder thriller movie once. A quote that had managed to stick in his mind because he couldn't help but think that it was something he agreed with. Our fucking mothers were the ones who started this mess when they gave birth to us. 

Or perhaps God was testing him, placing a temptation before him, to test his faith like he did with king David. God tended to do that with his faithful followers. And Jongdae decided he would resist, he had to resist, in order to remain pure under God's eyes. He was a priest, and it was what his life was promised to be. He had to remain true to that promise, no matter how much he wanted to taste her sweet lips and feel the warmth of her skin against his.

Fiorella Vanella would be his ticket to Hell if he allowed it.


He rose from his bed promptly at four thirty in the morning and got in the shower, after having fallen asleep almost immediately when he laid down in his bed. His dreams had been vivid and sinful, making him wake in a nervous cold sweat.

In his dreams, he was in his new bedroom, but he wasn't alone.

A beautiful seventeen year old was with him, underneath him, more likely. It all felt so real, her breathy moans, her fiery skin under his touch, her pink lips, eyes fluttering as he thrusted above her, face buried in her neck. He could even feel her nails as they dragged across his back, and her thighs as they tightened around him. He tried to shake her out of his thoughts, but it was impossible. 

The first service would be at five and father Cesar wanted Jongdae to take over, though he would be carefully observed. He changed into his clothes and walked into the church rectory where there were people already preparing everything for the service to begin.

Jongdae was directed to a closet in the room and grabbed one of the priest robes. It was the middle of November in Argentina, and he grabbed the green robe as a symbol of ordinary time. In another week he would begin using the purple one, a sign of advent.

As the clock struck five in the morning, he joined the procession for the entrance of the service. The altar boys were at the front, followed by all the ministers, and the people who would be doing the readings that day, and last was Jongdae, who would be giving service that day. When he got to the altar, he knelt before it, as a sign of respect to God. Father Cesar was at the front, sitting next to Antonella, the owner of the restaurant and Fiorella's mother. Behind them on the next pew was Fiorella with her boyfriend Rubens, and Jongdae felt himself go nervous at the thought of her watching him. And he had flashes of his dream that night fill his thoughts. Her presence combined with that made him go red in the face and he quickly looked away from her.

At their seat, Rubens leaned in to whisper in his girlfriend's ear, "Fiore, is that the new priest everyone's been talking about?"

She nodded her head, but remained quiet. She had been taught from childhood that it was rude to talk in church during service.

Rubens didn't seem to agree.

He continued, "Isn't he a bit young?"

This time she nudged him in the stomach, saying through gritted teeth and as low as she could manage. "Be respectful and pay attention during church services, amor."

The morning service went by smoothly and ended at six in the morning. When Jongdae was in the rectory, changing out of his priest robe, father Cesar went to congratulate him. Patting him on the shoulder with a hearty laugh, he asked him, "How do you feel after your first official service as a priest?"

Jongdae smiled nervously. "I thought I would trip, and fall, and embarrass myself."

"Well, you didn't." The older priest said happily. "Now hurry up and come with me. We're going to have breakfast at Antonella's restaurant. Then I want to show you the construction site."

"Construction site?" Jongdae raised an eyebrow, intrigued.

"Yes," Father Cesar nodded, "We've been getting donations from the mayor to build a new hospital for the town. The nearest one is about fifty miles away. But now they'll have one just a few minutes from here."

He placed the green robe on a hanger and placed it back in the closet with the other robes. Then he followed Father Cesar out the back door to a waiting truck that would get them to the restaurant. It was a run down pick up truck that was being driven by a worker of the church, and he dropped them off right at the entrance.

When they entered, they saw the restaurant was already open and it smelled like delicious and warm food. Father Cesar led Jongdae to one of the tables and they sat down.

It was only moments before Fiorella approached them with an apron tied around her waist, and a note pad in hand. She was the very person he was both hoping and dreading to see.


jongdae already having steamy dreams with fiorella. i know i havent updated in a while. but i have been really busy so please bear with me, everyone. also thank you for reading and supporting this story.

i will try to update more. also i have a ton of things to do today but i havent gotten around to doing them because im stressed and busy.

there's so much to do at work, but then no one will let me rest at home. i just want to rest.


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