Pet shop

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The two stood infront of the sleeping emo. His room was only slightly darker than usual, a sign that he was in a pretty deep sleep.

The siblings looked at each other and nodded, this was going to be a challenge.


"Come on, get out of bed you lazy butt!"


The dark trait stirred but didn't wake, prompting them to redouble thir efforts.


When Liam's purposely annoying cries didn't work, Fiona started shaking the Edgelord's shoulder.

"Wake up sleepyhead!"

Virgil in turn groaned, with eyes still closed he began batting away her hands sleepily before surrendering to his pillow once more.

The little girl was undeterred and continued shaking her "older brother" awake.

Once more the sleeping side batted away her hands but after a few moments Anxiety opened his eyes- well...long enough to see who was insistently shaking him.

"Stop, 'm tired", he groaned out, successfully getting the child to stop shaking him. But the moment she did, he pulled his covers up and turned on his opposite side. Eyes closing and body slack.

Fiona sighed exasperatedly, "really?" She looked at her partner in crime, "any ideas?"

"Uh...I can jump on him?" Shrugged Liam with an amused grin.

The girl deadpanned, "yeah, jump on him, did you want another repeat from what happened with Roman?"

"Ok, fine! What should we do?"

Fiona shrugged, "dunno, I'mma poke him till he wakes"

And that she did, until Verge shot her with one of his pillows.

Which she shot back at him, not that he cared, he just burried his head under it.

Morality's daughter huffed and began poking him in the ribs  again.

"Wake up!"

"Nooo, Squirt lemme sleep Geez"
Virgil was squirming now but still determined to remain asleep.

"If you don't get up I'm bringing Dad in here"

The emo raised his head at this, pillow falling under him as he attempted to glare at the girl infront of him.

"Go *yawn* ahead", he mumbled in threat but, of course, it was an empty one.

"Alright, Liam go get Dad"

"On it!"

The boy ran outside, his footsteps loud against the stairs.

Fiona had a triumphant look on her face. She knew very well that the dark trait wouldn't want their "father" to have to wake him, especially if Patton had sent her and Liam to do so.

After a few seconds the Fiona's hunch was proven correct, Virgil finally sat up, a large scowl set on his face as he watched the smirking girl.



"I literally only slept for an hour last night", groaned the anxious personality, folding his arms under his head. He was strarring at a well- gromed Roman who was currently wearing his sun glasses inside for some reason. They were both sitting at the table and Virgil wanted nothing more than to go back to bed but since he couldn't, he'd continue to complain, "and that includes during the time those two monsters kept interrupting it. The freaking sun isn't even up yet man-"

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