London baby!

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After all the thing with Sarah, I went to the house, slept for 5 hours and went to the airport with the guys. I was spending more time with Zach at the airport.

"So, how is she?" He Asked.

"She is amazing. Maybe she is even better than Bella."

"I always hated Bella. Everybody did!" Said Zach. "Hey Corbyn, you hate Bella?"

"I don't know... I thought she was a snob..."

"Hate her." Said Zach. "Sarah by the way, she is hot, she gives you what every guy wants to have."

"She is pretty great." I smiled.

"You think that she haves some friend that looks like her?"

"You will have to ask her that."

"Or we could double date? Think about it. I will be living the life!"

"Living the life? That the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Be with some other girl, not having a relationship like Corbyn."

"I heard that!" Yelled Corbyn on the airport.

"I will never be a boyfriend. I just want to have fun. And having fun with some friend of Sarah..."

"I'll ask her."

"I love you!"

"Yeah." I looked down. My phone was ringing. "Hello?" I answered.

"Hey! I just wanted to wish you a nice trip."

"Thank you Sarah."

"Ask her If she haves a friend!" Yelled Zach.

"Zach is asking if you have a friend for him."

"Yeah. We could double date."

"He said the same." I laughed.

"Well, have a nice trip Jonah."

"Thank you. You're the best Sarah."

"You too. Bye."

"Bye." I hung up the phone. The guys looked at me like I was a big deal. "What?" I finally asked.

"She haves a friend?" Asked Zach.

"Are you really having sex with her?" Said Daniel.

"Is she good?" Said Corbyn.

"She said hi?" Asked Jack.

"Everything is Fine! She says hi, she is good in bed, Yes I'm having sex with her and yes she haves a friend." I said exhausted. The guys showed me a big smile.

"You are a legend Jonah." Said Zach.

"You really think?"

"Yeah!" He said.

"Flight 3656 with destination to London is boarding now." Said a voice.

"Are we ready?" Asked Corbyn.

"Yes!" We shouted.

"London baby!" I Said. Everybody looked at me weirdly.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Asked Zach.

"Friends? When they all went to London, Joey said that."

"Oh, right, I forgot." Said Zach.

We entered to the plane. I sat down next to the window, Jack sat by my other side. By the side of Jack was Zach.

"You guys prepared for this?" Asked Corbyn behind us.

"Of course we are! Think of all the English girls we'll meet!" Zach smiled.

"It will be a great opportunity to show London the why don't we." I Said proudly.

"Yeah!" The guys said. I put on my headphones and started to listen some music. I fell asleep all the trip.


"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to London." Said the pilot as I woke up.

"We are on London!" Said Zach.

"Finally." Said Jack. I looked at the window. London was beautiful. I haven't seen a place more beautiful than London.

We got out of the plane, got our luggage and went to the hotel.

"This place is beautiful." I Said as I looked at the hotel.

"More beautiful than Sarah?" Said Zach.

"Shut up."

"Well, today we can visit the Big Ben." Said Corbyn.

"That's a good idea."

"So, lets go inside, out our things on our room and go and see London." Said Corbyn.

We got into our room. I saw my phone, Sarah texted me. "You arrived?" I responded: "Yeah, London is beautiful." Sarah started typing.

"Let's go!" Zach said as he was standing on the door.

"Fine." I saw my phone, Sarah texted me: "It's a nice place." I responded: "Yeah." She only saw the text. I got up from my seat and went with the guys to see London.


"So this is the Big Ben." We all saw it. It was huge.

"Can we go inside?" I Asked.

"I don't know... let's just stay here."

"It's beautiful." I Said. I fell in love with this city.

"Let's go to eat something." Suggested Daniel.

"Yeah I'm starving." Jack said as he started walking.

"Where are we going?" I Asked.

"There's a coffee shop there." Pointed out Jack.

"Let's go then."

We got into the coffee shop. I sat down next to Daniel and next to Jack. I ordered a coffee with a muffin while the guys ordered a English tea with also a muffin. I looked at the window. I can't get over London. This place is beautiful.

"Liking London already?" Said Daniel as he looked at me.

"Of course."

Daniel laughed. "It is really pretty."

"So guys, what are we singing tonight?"

"The new EP. Why don't we just?"

"Maybe something different?" Said Corbyn.

"Yeah, something different."

"It'll be a great show!" We all Said.


We got into the stage. We were singing on London.

"Are we ready?" I Asked once again.

"Yeah we are."

"Okay, count to three. One, two, three."

We got out of backstage and got into the stage. It was full. I never thought that we were a big thing on England. The guys and I started singing something different and the night went on and on.

Words I didn't say /Jonah MaraisWhere stories live. Discover now