Not so perfect

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Today is Bella's prom. I know exactly what I am going to do when I see her. I put on a nice suit and a nice tie, since I was going to prom.

"You guys ready?" Asked Jack.

"Ready." We all Said.

"Let's pick up the ladies!" Said Zach.

"Who are you going with Zach?"

"Some girl." He left.

I am doing this. I am finally reading that letter to her, on my, she will cry.

"Hey guys!" Said Logan as he entered to the house.

"Logan?" Asked Corbyn. "What are you doing here?"

"Jonah told me everything, I am supporting him on prom." Said Logan.

"Thanks Logan." I said.


"Now the why don't we." Said the class president introducing us.

Me and the guys got up on stage. I looked everywhere for Bella, with who was she? Is he a better person than me? I asked so many things in my head. Then I started singing "Nobody Gotta Know." That made me feel calm for a minute.

After singing three songs, I finally saw Bella. She was wearing a red and black leather dress. She looked beautiful. Then her date appeared. He had long hair, brown hair. He was wearing an awful suit, he was small and his face just made me sick. I thought that Bella could do better, but anyways she went with the ugly guy. The song ended. I got up to the microphone.

"My name is Jonah Marais and this is for my ex girlfriend, Bella. The girl with the red dress." Everybody looked at Bella. Bella looked at me like she wanted to kill me, then I started singing. I sang all the song to her. When the song ended I got out of te stage and walked forwards Bella.

"You already messed up Jonah. What now."

I looked at her all the time. I couldn't stop looking at her. "I won't be in silence anymore Bella. You will hear me now."

She tried to walk away but Logan got behind her. "I don't think so Bella." Said Logan. She looked at me.

"Tell me, what have I done to you."

The letter I made Bella on the airplane was on my pocket. I took it and opened it.

"Great you made a letter." She Said.

"Hey, Shut the fuck up!" Said Jack.

"Nice!" Zach said to Jack. They high fived.

I cleared out my throat, and started.

"Dear Bella, where do I start? I can start with the day we met. I was working on new music and you appeared. Zach invited you over, I talked to you and I thought you were an amazing person. The next day Zach gave you my number, so you texted me. We started talking and we decided to hang out on a Starbucks. You ordered a caramel Frappuccino, while I ordered water. We talked about our dreams and hopes, then you decided to kiss me. I let you kiss me and we've been together since. I asked you to be my girlfriend and you accepted. We had a great month together until we, both decided to have sex and ruined the whole thing. You with your saint face decided to tell your daddy and broke up with me. There's a lot of things I want to say about that Bella, one you can't break up with someone because you had sex with him. Two, You are selfish to only think about yourself and not think about my feelings. Three, You are weird as fuck! Who in hell talk with the trees? Four, you think you are amazing because of your grades and because your daddy buys you everything. Guess what Bella? You're not that awesome. Me, Logan, Zach, Jack, Corbyn and Daniel talked about you, and you do not deserve to be in the Why don't we house nor do you need to be in my life. Keep thinking about yourself, you'll get to the land of nowhere. I knew that I was coming here and that I would see you, so here I am, saying everything That's is in my heart to you. Now that I realised it, it feels good to say it. By the way, your date is uglier than you. You really fucked up this time B. Well, that's it. I said everything.

Love, Jonah." I finished reading the letter. Bella looked upset.

"What's wrong Bella?"

"You said everything. You really fucked me Jonah."

"Oh honey, you fucked me first."

Bella left the prom angrily. I have a high-five to Zach.

"You made it." Said Corbyn.

"I finally made it." I smiled.

"Congrats Jonah. You finally left that bitch." Said Logan.

"Look who's coming!" Daniel said as he pointed Sarah.

Sarah. She was wearing a pink soft dress. She looked beautiful. I went to talk to her.

"You talked to her?" She asked me.

"Yes, and now I can say this."

"Say what?"

"You want to be my girlfriend?" I asked her.

"Yes. I'll be your girlfriend." I leaned over to kiss Sarah. As we stopped, I looked at her smiling.

"What?" I Asked.

"You are amazing Jonah."

"Why?" I Asked.

"Because, you are." She smiled at me again.

"You are amazing too." He hugged as we danced.

Words I didn't say /Jonah MaraisWhere stories live. Discover now