English dates

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"I can't believe it!"

"Greatest night ever!" I Said.

"Hey," said some English fans.

"Hey." Zach and Daniel said as they looked at them.

"I'm Tina, and she is Nina."

"Hey, Nina." Said Zach.

"Would you like to drink some tea?" Asked Daniel. Daniel can be a real sweetheart.

"Sure." The girls have them her numbers to Daniel and Zach. "We'll see you tomorrow." The girls left.

"We have a date tomorrow." Daniel and Zach made a high five. I laughed at them.

"I hope I can have a relationship with Tina." Said Daniel.

"I hope I can have sex with Nina." Said Zach.

"I hope I can see Christina." Said Corbyn.

"I hope I can find a girl." Said Jack.

"I hope I can say all those words to Bella, and be with Sarah." We all sighed at the same time.

"Let's leave." Said Corbyn. "I need to call my girlfriend."


We took one of those English cabs and went to the hotel. As we arrived, I laid on my bed. Watched if Sarah texted me, nothing. I sighed once again.

"You Okay?" Asked Corbyn.

"Yeah, it's just... I want Sarah to text me."

"Text her first."

I opened my phone and wrote: "Hey" Sarah immediately answered: "Hey." I started texting and wrote: "the concert was great. Can't wait to see you." She responded: "can't wait either."

Everything is good with Sarah. She is still amazing, and maybe I am feeling something else. "Have a good night." I texted her. "You too." I closed my phone.

"So? She texted you?" Asked Corbyn.

"Yeah She did. Everything is great." I smiled.

"Good, Oh I just got a call, we are singing for a prom."

"Cool! You know which school?"

"That's the bad news Jonah."

"What?" I Asked.

"We are singing at your ex prom."

"Bella's prom?"

"Unfortunately Yes. Look at the bright side, you can bring a date."

"You'll bring Christina?"

"Duh." He took a glass of water.

"Maybe I can bring Sarah." I Said looking at the bright side.

"Maybe you can. Well, I am going to bed. Tomorrow it will be a big day."

"Why so?"

"Daniel and Zach have their dates, and we leave super early the next day."

"Right, Maybe I should sleep too."

I got under the covers of the bed. This bed was so comfortable. I slept like an angel.


"Morning." I Said looking at the guys on the breakfast table.

"Morning." They all Said.

"Ready for your date?" I asked to Daniel. Zach haven't arrived.

"Yeah. I really want to meet a British girl."

Words I didn't say /Jonah MaraisWhere stories live. Discover now