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I opened my eyes and I was naked on Sarah's bed. I was sleeping with Sarah.

"Sarah, wake up."

"What's wrong?"

"Do you have breakfast?" I Asked.

"Go and make yourself some eggo waffles. I'll go in a sec." She kept sleeping. I put on my shirt and my boxers, I couldn't go naked.

As Sarah said to me, I went downstairs and made myself some eggo waffles. What should I do? I started watching stranger things on my cellphone while eating eggos. Yep I'm a big fan.

"Stranger things?"

"It's pretty cool." I Said to Sarah.

"I watched it like 5 times."

"I am just in season 2." Sarah laughed. "What's so funny?"

"You are the slowest yet." She kept on laughing. "So, I was thinking, should we have sex right now or we can do it tomorrow?"

"I gotta go to the house, but I would love to have sex with you."

"Great. I'll go to the Why don't we house at 6:00 pm."

"I'll wait for you."

"Guess what? I'm going to Victoria's Secret today. Maybe I'll get some lingerie."

"I like the sound of that." We were about to kiss until Jack called me.
"Jack is calling me."

"Answer It."


"Where are you?"

"Somewhere, why?"

"We have some big news to tell you, so come here."

"Okay, I'll be there, bye."

"You gotta go."

"I'll meet you at 6:00." I kissed her forehead. "Bye."


I got into the car and drove as fast as I could to the Why don't we house. What is the big news? I am dying to know.

I arrived and entered to the house.

"Where were you?" Asked Corbyn mad.

"In the woods." I fucked up.

"Whatever, we, the Why don't we band, are going to London!"



"That's amazing!" I hugged Corbyn.

"Get Your things Ready we are leaving in two more days."

"Two more days? We can't live in two days!"

"Why not?" I couldn't say that I wanted to have sex with Sarah more time. Corbyn would tell everyone that I am having sex with her.

"Because, we need time to rehearse."

"We rehearse there. So, get your things ready." Corbyn left me alone. I headed up to my room. I laid on my bed and called Sarah.


"Guess what? I'm going to London."

"That's great Jonah!"

"In two more days."

"That sucks! That means that..."

"Yep. But it will be for a week tho."

"This gave me a great idea. We need to take advantage these days."

"So, What you're trying to say is that we should have non stop sex for two days?"

"It's a good idea. The you'll leave and when you come back, we do it again."

"I love that idea."

"I'll se you at 6:00?"

"Yes. I am waiting for you Sarah."

"Good, because I just bought me lingerie, and I think that you'll like it."

"That sounds amazing."

"Great. Can't wait to see you." She Said.

"Me too. Bye."


"Jonah? You heard the news?" Asked Daniel.

"Yeah I heard. Why?"

"I just wanted to know." He came into my room and sat down on my bed. "Are you exited?"

"Yeah. I can't believe we are going to Europe."

"Me too. I love London."

"It's a nice place." I Said as I touched my legs.

"So, what happened with Bella?"

"I never said those words to her."

"One day you'll say all of it to her. I know that you will do it." He smiled at me.

"Yeah, I can't forget about her."

"Even though When you're with Sarah?"

"No, when I'm with Sarah, I forget about Bella's existence. I only think about Sarah. But when Sarah's gone, I just remember of all the words that Bella said to me."

"Bella doesn't deserve a guy like you. Sarah by the way, she might be the one for you."

"You think? She doesn't like me like that way."

"You can work hard for it. By the end of the time, Sarah will say to you: I love you."

The doorbell rang. I looked at the time. It was six. Sarah is here. Daniel got up at the same time that I got up.

"I must go and open the door."

"Yeah." Said Daniel.

I went to open the door. Sarah was with a black trench.

"Hey." I Said to her.

"Can we go up to your room?" She asked.


Me and Sarah went to my room. I closed the door. Sarah took off her trench. She was wearing sexy lingerie.


I kissed her and she took off my shirt. As I stopped the kiss I took off my pants and boxers. I took off my shoes and Sarah also took off hers. "I want you Sarah."

"I want you too Jonah." We made out on my bed. I put on top of Sarah and put on my fingers on her. Sarah started moaning.

"Do it faster." She Said as she moaned. I went faster, but then I took off my fingers. I started introducing me to Sarah. We both moaned while having sex. I could hear the bed hitting the wall. It just felt amazing.

"I'm coming." I got out of Sarah and laid by her side.

"That was the best sex that I've ever had." Said Sarah.

"Mine too." I Said as I kissed her neck.

"Oh, That feels nice." She Said.

"You want me to do it to you somewhere else?" Sarah took off all her lingerie. She was naked.

"Do it." I touched her again, then I licked Sarah. Her moans were louder this time.

"I'm coming!" She Yelled.

I got off from Sarah, and laid down with her.

"That was nice." She Said as she touched my face.

"Yeah, I liked it."

"I should get going. Maybe tomorrow we could do it?"

"Definitely." I smiled at her. She put on her lingerie and her trench.


"Bye." She closes the door and the guys entered to my room.

"What?" I Said.

"You had sex with Sarah." Said Jack.


"You lucky." Said Zach.

Words I didn't say /Jonah MaraisWhere stories live. Discover now