Your Bill Cipher Quotes

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Aries: "It's funny how dumb you are."

Taurus: "You are smart. Especially the fat one."

Gemini: "Pain is hilarious!"

Cancer: " I'll hold my horses. I'll hold them... You monster. "

Leo: "Deer teeth, for you, kid!"

Virgo: "Remember! Reality is an illusion the universe is a hologram BUY GOLD BYEEE!"

Libra: "Oh, I know lots of things! Lots of things..."

Scorpio: "I have some children I gotta make into corpses!"

Sagittarius: "Sure I am [insane], what's your point?"

Capricorn: "EAT NIGHTMARES!"

Aquarius: "Sorry kid, but you're MY puppet now!"

Pisces: "Wanna hear the exact time and date of your death?"

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