Breakfast of Laughter (Thanks, Kokichi.)

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So, yeh, this takes place in the school, but no killing game cuz Chapter one b r o k e m e. So yeah, boring I know, but SHIPS *^*
     Maki wakes up to the usual "DING DONG, BING BONG!" She sighs as she sits up, hearing the Monokubs on the screen in the room, but they eventually start bickering. Maki sighs and gets ready for the day.
     She eventually exits her room, seeing the others stray to the dining hall. Before she can even take a few steps, she hears someone run up to her.
     "Hey, Maki Roll!!" Kaito says, waving. He slows down as he approaches, smiling. Maki looks up at the male, him being taller than her.
     "Oh, hey, Kaito," she replies in her usual tone of voice. Kaito smiles.
     "Did ya sleep well?" the male asks.
     "Yeah. You...?"
     "I slept well, thanks!" Kaito's smile grows as he puts his hand on her shoulder. Maki blushes at the action. "Anyways, wanna walk to the dining hall with me?"
"Sure," Maki replies quietly.
The two walk to the dining hall. Once they arrive, they see the other fourteen students doing whatever.
"Look who decided to show up~!" Kokichi suddenly says in a teasing manner.
"Shut up, Kokichi..." Kaito sighs.
"Nee-heehee! What were you two doing, hmm??" Kokichi asks slyly.
"Just chatting," Kaito responds.
"Just chatting, eh??"
"Yes," the two reply sharply. Kokichi giggles and walks away to bother Himiko.
Shuichi sighs and walks over with Kaede. "Sorry about Kokichi. He's being more of a nuisance than he usually would be..." The male sighs.
"Especially towards Himiko," Kaede adds. "I feel bad for her." As if on cue, Himiko and Kokichi begin arguing a little. Everyone else sighs, although Tenko kinda screams at Kokichi as she tells him to leave Himiko alone, which he does. He goes to bother Miu.
     "Shut up, you little brat!!" Miu snaps immediately after Kokichi starts pestering her.
     "B-brat..? YOU'RE SUCH A BULLY!!" Kokichi begins fake crying.
     "Cut the act, Kokichi. We all know you're faking it," Kaito says.
     "Aw, even Space Boy could figure it out," Kokichi speaks.
     "Shut up!" Kaito snaps.
     "Kokichi. Shut up, or I'll make you..." Maki says ominously, glaring at Kokichi.
     Kokichi gives a fearful look, when suddenly, he says... "KILLER GIRL IS STANDING UP FOR HER BOYFRIEEEEND~!" He shrieks with laughter. Kaito and Maki both go red.
     "W-what?! W-we—" Kaito starts.
     "Wait, you two are dating?"
Angie chirps. "Nyahaha!! Why didn't you tell anyone??"
     "Gonta thinks you two cute together!" Gonta comments, smiling like the p u r e b e a n he is.
     Everyone else, minus Kiyo and Ryoma, who simply watch, start chatting about the idea of Kaito and Maki dating.
     Maki glares at the devilish boy, who simply smiles mischievously.
Eventually, Kaito speaks. "Alright, listen!! Maki Roll and I aren't dating!!"
"Yet," Tsumugi giggles.
Kaito blushes and opens his mouth, but no words come out.
"Whoa... No protests??" Kokichi smirks.
"There is the possibility that he is too embarrassed to say anything," Keebo reminds Kokichi.
"Oh, shush, Keeboy. I'm not the one who Miu fu—"
"I PERFORMED MAINTENANCE ON HIM, DUMBASS!" Miu roars. But, being Miu, she obviously blushes and seems to have a partially dreamy look in her eyes.
"Anyways... Do you liiiiiike Maki??"
Kaito blushes again. "I... Uh... I'm not hungry anymore," he says before turning and leaving the dining hall.
"Kaito, you should eat," Kirumi insists, but it's too late. Kaito already left.
Maki looks after the male, then whirls around and grabs Kokichi by the throat. "Say anything like that again and I'll kill you," she says morosely. She drops him and leaves after Kaito. Kokichi mumbles something as he stands back up.
     "Gonta feel bad... Gonta thinks we made friends embarrassed. Gentlemen no embarrass people."
     "Aw, don't worry, Gonta! They were just blushing away since we were telling the truth!" Kokichi snickers.
     "Um... Kokichi, I think they took that too seriously," Rantaro says as he suddenly steps up behind Tenko, who jumps.  "You shouldn't be spreading rumors like that. Yeah, I thought you were joking, but..."
     "Nah! They're fine! Unless they go do something..."
     "Now that's just uncalled for," Kirumi calmly protests.
     "Kirumi's right. You should be more careful about what you say," Kaede reminds him.
     "Correct. You heard Maki," Korekiyo says. "She said she would kill you if you said something like that again."
     Kokichi pouts. "I was kidding..."
     "I think we all doubt that," says Ryoma in a monotone voice.
Kokichi pouts again as he plops into a chair. "Hmph..."


Kokichi, you'ee such a little shit, dammit XD
Anyways, Imma try to get the next chapter up soon. (Hint, more KaiMaki plus some Saimatsu.)

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