The Truth is Exposed.

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Final chapter.
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-After Lunch-
     Kaito and Maki are sitting in the courtyard. They seem to be deep in conversation, Kaito having his usual smile on his face.
     No one else is around.
     At least, they think.
     "The Love Hotel?" Kaito suggests before blushing. "No, wait, that's...uh..."
     Maki bites her lip a bit, fiddling with a twin tail. "..."
     "How about...just walking around, having a good time? Watch the stars, chat..." Kaito smiles before pulling Maki close. "...spending time with you?"
     Maki looks up at him and smiles lightly. "Yeah. I'd like that."
     "Alright!" Kaito says excitedly. Maki chuckles a bit before pecking his lips, throwing the excited male off guard. Kaito then looks at Maki and smiles.
    "EVIDENCE!!!" Kokichi shouts, holding a video camera from the warehouse. 
     Kaito and Maki both jump up and turn. "KOKICHI!!"
     Kokichi runs off. They both chase him. Oh no.
     They both enter the building. They can't find him. Suddenly Monokuma appears on the screen.
     "Everyone! This is an announcement!" he says. "Kokichi Oma has an important video to show you all. Pay attention!"
     Everyone looks up at their screen. The video Kokichi had taken shows up. Monokuma thought this was about something else but watches anyways.
     After the video finishes, everyone looks shocked. Well, except Kokichi. Everyone steps out of their rooms. They all look at Kaito and Maki, who are both frantically looking around. Kaito sweats a little, and Maki just hides her face.
     "So... Kokichi was right?" Tsumugi says, blinking.
     "...yes," Maki says reluctantly. Kaito nods a bit.
     Everyone stays quiet. Miu then bursts into laughter. "BOUT TIME, AM I RIGHT?!"
     Everyone starts nodding and talking  about the ship. Kaito and Maki both seem confused.
     Shuichi suddenly walks over. "Guys... I'm not surprised, honestly. You two hang out a lot. Kaede figured you two...uh...have a thing for each other..."
     They both blush, but don't protest.
     "Yeah.. She told the others about her theory," Shuichi adds.
     "Hii hee hee hee!" Himiko laughs in witch like manner. "My magic had told me about this already, so I'm not surprised!"
     "You seemed a little surprised..." Korekiyo mutters.
     While the others are chatting, Maki and Kaito look at one another. "Well... Secret's out..." Kaito says. "You alright, Maki Roll?"
     Maki looks up at him. She smiles and hugs him. "Yeah. I'm okay with this..." She looks up again and kisses him. Kaito kisses back and EVERYONE PRAISES THE SHIP.
     Well, except Kokichi.
     "EW—!" Kokichi starts, only to get hit by a book that Miu threw.
     "Shut up, twat, and let 'em have their moment!"
     Everyone laughs a bit, and Kaito and Maki hug again, smiling.
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THANK YOU FOR R—*ahem.* Thank you for reading and tolerating my weirdness. :') See you on the next fanfic! *coughprobablyaSaiMatsuonecough*

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