chapter four

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"Man thats weird. So he was just in the closet? Like all alone?" Says Aurora.

Today is Wednesday and I was sitting with Aurora and Cade at lunch, where Adam was nowhere to be seen. I was telling them about what had happened with Adam yesterday, since they weren't.. uh.. present.

"Yup. He kept looking to the back of the closet where all the boxes were." I explain to them.

"Bro thats some weird shit. Maybe He's cheating on you." Cade says, picking up a carrot and putting it into his mouth like he didn't just say i'm being cheated on.

I look over at Aurora and she looks back, as we give each other confused looks.

"Thats ridiculous" I shoot back "He may be acting weird but I know for a fact he is NOT cheating."

"Okay, Okay chill out. Just a guess." He reply's, now taking a sip of his water.

Before I could interject for a second time, I see a person from the corner of my eyes sit down next to me. I look up and see Adam. He is quite possibly the last person I would like to see right now, but I keep my mouth shut.

"Hey babe" he greets me, kissing my cheek.

"Hi Adam" I say with a fake smile.

For the remainder of our lunch period, we ate quietly, with a few small conversations here and there.

"Well this wasn't awkward at all.. Cade and I have a spare right now so were going to go. Ill call you later Tal." Says Aurora, breaking the cold silence between us.

last period

I decided to let whatever happened with Adam in the closet go. I really didn't want last period to be awkward, especially when we have the same class.

As per usual, Adam came late to the class, but I don't really pay much attention to it because its kind of a tradition now. Not a good one, but still a tradition. Like birthday cake, only annoying and doesn't make you feel better.

Halfway through the lesson I look a couple seats down to my right, looking for Carter, knowing he is in this class, but frowned when I realized I haven't seen him all day. Maybe he was just sick.


I look over to my left side now, to see my boyfriend tapping me on my leg with a pencil.

"what do you want? I'm trying to pay attention." I say, lying through my teeth, as I well know I was just looking for Carter, and not listening to algebra.

"I can't come over today." He says in a whisper. "I have to study for a science test." He tells me.

"You don't have science this semester." I reply back, frowning at his inability to lie.

"Oh. Uh did I say science? I meant history."

"Its okay." I smile. "Are we still on for the movies tomorrow?"

"Sure" he replies barely looking at me, glancing over at Brooklyn Hailot.

I give him a weird look and settle back into my seat until class is over.

back at home

It was about 4:30 and I was just finishing up my homework when I heard a commotion outside of my house. I peered outside of my window and see that the neighbours are finally moving in. That house has been empty ever since this old couple moved from there, to a retirement home. I sat back down at my desk and began doing the rest of my work.

About an hour or so later, I finally finished my work and decided to go downstairs to get a snack. But of course when I get there, there isn't any food besides a half empty cookie box and some old fruit. When mom gets back she really has to go shopping. Or maybe I should go soon, I've never really done it.

Finishing up my half ass cookies, I still hear the neighbours moving in. It sounded like someone was yelling and I really wanted to check out what was happening. I walk outside and stand on my porch, to get a better look.

There is a lady, maybe in her 40s. She has brown, curly hair and was wearing sweats and a tank top. She was the one yelling. She ordered around a man telling him what to do and such. He was middle- aged, with short brown hair. He wasn't wearing a shirt and had sweats on as well. He was carrying a box in his hands looked very tired and worn out. I can assume that they are married. The last person I saw was a boy, also brown hair, wearing a beanie, jeans, and a white t shirt. He too had a box in his hands, but his back was facing me. I couldn't see what he looked like but he was very muscular.

After 5 minutes of watching (which, may I add, is kind of creepy) , I return back in my house and shut the door. Maybe I'll go over there later and welcome them to the neighbourhood.


Hey guys!!

This was really bad i'm so sorry ahah.

I have been busy with school and I'm currently on week 2 of a nasty cold. I am sort of having a writers block to don't mind my bad writing for this chapter.

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