chapter one

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You know those days where you wake up and think to yourself 'This is going to be a good day.'? This, was one of those days. Im not sure why exactly, but I just had a good feeling about it. I rolled over to the left side of my bed and pressed the home button on my phone, revealing the time.


"Perfect!" I whispered to myself, sitting up straight.

I turned my self onto the edge of my bed and placed my feet on the floor, quickly jumping back on my bed. It was too cold to be walking on a hardwood floor with out socks. I reached over to my drawer, still on my bed, retrieving my fuzzy pink socks. I slipped them on my now cold feet and hopped out of bed.

It took me about half an hour to pick out what I was going to wear, but I settled on my favourite ripped jeans, my white cropped top, a cardigan, and some white converse. After looking over my outfit in my mirror, it was time to do my makeup. Concealer, powder, eyebrow products, and mascara, and I was done everything I needed to do but my hair. I decided to straighten my hair just to save some time, since my hair was pretty straight naturally. After all, It was the first day of 12th grade and I really did want to look nice. When I was all done getting ready, I grabbed my phone and checked the time again.

8:01 am

School starts at  9:15, so I still have about an hour before I have to leave for school. To pass time, I sat in my living room and turned on the tv. My mom was on a business trip for the next 2 weeks, and my dad is awful and never comes around, so its just me in the house this morning.

At around 8:45 I started packing up my book bag and locking up the house, not before grabbing the keys to my car. Looking around my house one more time, I shut the door, and headed to my car. It was pretty cold considering it was September, but the heat in my car made up for the freezing weather. I had to go pick up my best friends Aurora and Cade, as well as my boyfriend of two years, Adam.

First, I get to Adams house, since it's only down the street from mine. I slowed down when I got closer to his house and pulled into his driveway. I texted him, letting him know that I was there. About a minute after I sent the text, I see him walking to my car. Once he reaches my car, he opened the door to the passenger seat and sits down. He gave me a quick hug, and a kiss on my cheek before securing his seat belt in.

"Are you excited for school hun?" Adam asks, sarcastically.

"Yeah so excited, especially for the heavy books and loads of homework" I reply, grinning.

"Very funny. At least i'll be there with you" Adam says.

I nod my head, smiling at him. He reached his hand over and places it on my thigh.

The rest of the drive was quiet, not awkward, just quiet. Until I heard a buzzing sound coming from my phone.

"Adam, get it, will you?" I pleaded, not wanting to get into an accident with my new car.

"Yeah sure"

Adam picks up the phone, but I couldn't hear what the other person was saying.

"Really guys? We were on our way . We're gonna have to turn back now! Alright, fine. See you later." And with that, he hung up the phone, placing it back in my bag, sighing.

"I take it we're turning back now, right?" I asked.

"Yup. Well on the bright side Cade finally got a car. He's driving Aurora to school." Adam said, sort of annoyed.

"Oh well, ill just make a U turn."

Driving in the car for about 5 more minutes, the school finally comes into sight. I find a parking spot and park my car, turning it off, and hoping out, locking the car behind me. Adam and I had different first period, so I hugged him goodbye and we were on our separate ways. He really wasn't a fan of PDA, so we hug most of the time. It gets quite annoying sometimes, though. The bell distracted me from my rude thoughts and I sped over to my first class.

I get to my geography class and see that Aurora was there, saving a seat for me near the middle, left side of the classroom. She waved me over and I walked over to her and sat in the seat next to her.

"So, I hear Cade has a new car now?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yup! A lot bigger then his last one. Better to make out in." She replies, smirking.

"You're so weird!" I laughed at my best friend.

"Well at least we can openly say we make out, unlike you and Adam. You guys keep everything so hush, hush!" She said, in a bit of a more serious tone.

I frowned, she was right.

'Yeah I know, he's too private." I say to her.

"You gotta find a bett-" Aurora stopped talking and stared at the door, mouth hanging open so wide, I could see the dangly thing at the back of her throat.

"What?" I ask her, turning around in my seat to see what she was looking at.

Most of the girls were turned in their seats just like I was doing. There was a boy at the door, brown hair, brown eyes, and dressed really well! He was honestly one of the hottest guys I had ever seen. Even though we both had boyfriends, he was just so nice to look at! I'm not sure how long I had been staring, but it was long enough for him to notice it, looking over my way. He grinned at me, turning his head away shortly after and took a seat at the back of the class. I turned back around in my seat as my face turned a shade of red. Aurora was talking to me, but all I was focusing on was getting my face back to its normal shade of pale.

Oh boy, this is going to be interesting.


Hey Everyone!!

I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter. They're going to get better so hold on, I have lots planned for this one.

Oh and the pic is of her outfit!!

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