chapter three

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The cafeteria is always packed with hungry, sweaty teenagers, forever waiting for the cafeteria food to actually taste good. If you haven't guessed yet, it hasn't. My friends and I basically have unassigned - assigned seats, in the middle of the cafeteria. I guess you could say were the "popular" group, but none of us agree with that. We're all weirdos. People honestly just like us for our looks, but little do they know that we're the most abnormal bunch you will ever encounter.

I walk into the cafeteria for the first time all year, and it feels oddly lonely, just waiting here for my friends. After 5 long minutes, I decided to walk over to 'our table' to save our seats, incase anyone try to take them from us. As soon as I arrive, it seems that a group of freshman has beat me to it. They were sitting in OUR seats! I didn't want to scare them and make a big scene, especially on their first day of high school, but I also wanted our seats back. I did feel like saying anything to them, so I let them off the hook, well for today, at least.

I make my way over to a table near our OLD table, and sat down in a seat. I must have been waiting for about 20 minutes for my friends to show up, and when they didn't, I was pretty pissed. I got my phone out and texted our group chat asking where they were, and why they were late.

Me: hello????? where the fuck r u guys?! I've been waiting 4 ever, please hurry... our seats got taken by sum freshman so I'm sitting in the table next to it. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Aurora: ooh umm... shit srry girl, mr haltons making me stay for a detention.. see you guys tomorrow I guess

Cade: uh yeah.. same as Aurora.. sorry tal.

Adam: soooo lets all agree that cade and aurora are screwing in the back of his new car.... but I can't come either, I'm ACTUALLY helping mr halton. losers. sorry hun.

Me: fuck you all. goodbye.

With a huff, I pressed the off button on my phone and flipped it face-down onto the table. I opened my bag and pulled out my sandwich wrapped in tinfoil, and start to unwrap, then eat it. I get full off of only a couple bites, then decide to toss the rest into the waste bin.

waste just like your boyfriend....

"stop that" I shout to myself in my mind, so not cool!

I don't tell this to many people, only cade and aurora know, but Adam and I aren't as good off as we used to be. In the beginning, our relationship was fantastic, actually. We were two kids, that were in love and didn't have a care in the world what anyone thought. Now having been two plus years with him, although I do still love him, we fight more frequently then we ever have. It gets to a point when sometimes I just want to end it all with him. Today has been good so far but lately, I just haven't been feeling it anymore.

A tap on my shoulder pulls me away from my bitter thoughts, to look up and see a tall - brown haired boy standing above me. I crank my neck up to get a good look at him and to my surprise, it was the new boy from earlier.

"Hey again. I never asked for your name, and when I saw you sitting here all alone I figured you wouldn't mind if I asked you for it." The boy asked, apparently eager to know my name.

He pulled out the chair next to me and sat down.

"Talia." I say, almost too dry that I had to add in a quick smile before asking for his in return.

"Carter" He responds.

Carter. Thats a cute name for a cute boy. Maybe our kids will be-

I soon get snapped out of my thought when I hear the end of lunch bell ring, meaning it was time for me to go to my last class of the day.

"Well I gotta go but ill see you later?" I say, in a questioning manner.

"Yeah for sure. See you around Talia"

And with our small goodbye, I grabbed my things and headed to fourth period.

Math was my 4th and last period, and Im supposed to have Adam in it, but he didn't show up, like usual. I didn't hear from Cade, Aurora, or Adam after I texted them at lunch which was strange because we usually talk throughout the day. At least I made a new friend though. Carter was really nice.

During math, I had to go to the restroom, so I excused myself from the class with my teachers permission. The only problem was that my math class was in the one place in the school that didn't have a washroom, so I had to walk about 5 minutes to get there. On my way there I heard a banging sound that was coming from the janitors closet. I was trying my best to ignore it but it was too loud, and I was too curious. I slowly approached the door and jiggled the door handle a little bit before slightly opening the door.

To my confusion, Adam was in there, by himself with the lights shut. As soon as he saw me he rolled his eyes, in which I returned a confused look to.

"What are you doing?" I asked, clearly very confused.

"Nothing babe just go back to class."He clenched his jaw. He looked mad and I wasn't really sure why or what happened.

"Why aren't you in class?" I ask another question.

"No reason. why aren't you?" Adam says again very coldly, darting his eyes to the corner of the closet, where all the boxes were.

"Bathroom." I tell him, equally as cold as he was.

Before I could say anything else, he lightly pushes me out of the door way and shuts the door closed.

What was that? I was beyond confused.

Hey everyone! i hope you enjoyed this long chapter!

My book isn't edited yet, so beware of mistakes,, also in this chapter we saw a side of Adam that was quite weird. Why do YOU think he acted the way he did?

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