President Snow

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The man in the white dress suit smiles at us, eyes sweeping up and down the lines of soldiers in superior satisfaction. He smells like roses and blood, and though I hate the smell, I endure it. I have to stay focused on the mission at hand.

His eyes pause when they come to me and a displeasing tightness forms around them. He walks up the line to where I stand in my Peacekeeper uniform, my helmet tucked tightly under my right arm.

"Katniss Everdeen, step forward."

I do as I'm told, keeping from looking to him questioningly.

"Tell me, why are you here?"

I stand a little taller, propping my chin up more so that it's parallel to the ground. "I'm here to serve the Capitol to the best of my ability. I serve as a soldier to keep the districts safe from the uprising of the rebels and their allies. I will stand between the districts and the rebels and destroy any threat I encounter. I will do everything to keep the Capitol standing. Panem today, Panem tomorrow, Panem forever."

The other soldiers join the cry. "Panem today, Panem tomorrow, Panem forever!"

I glance over at Peeta in his uniform. He nods to me and joins the chant, louder than the rest.

President Snow just smiles and continues walking.

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